terra-proto 0.5.12-beta.1

Terra Core Protobuf Builds
# terra.proto (Rust)

## Note
* Ignore third_party/proto/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/authz.proto
  * Conflict StakeAuthorization.Validators (message) with StakeAuthorization.validators (oneof)
* Use copied proto file
  * If use proto file in submodule, Can't build project at dependent project

## How to use
### Cargo
terra-proto = "{terraCoreVersion}"

## Maintenance
This section is for maintainers of this repo, not users.

### Requirements
* Rust
* Cargo
* protoc v3.17.3

### Getting started
make init

### Rebuilding types
make proto-gen


cargo build

### Publish to Maven
make publish


cargo publish