terny 0.2.0

A simple, C-like, ternary operator for cleaner syntax.

A simple ternary operator macro in rust. the `iff!` macro is the only item exported by this crate, it simply takes three expressions, seperated by `?` and `:`, and expands them info an if else statement.

# Usage
iff!( condition
 ? expressionA
 : expressionB );

expands to:
if condition {
} else {

It can also be used in assignment:
let value = iff!(condition
 ? expressionA
 : expressionB );

It can also be used inline:
let value = iff!(condition ? exressionA : expressionB);

It may also be nested, although the code starts to look less clean at this point
let value = iff!(conditionA ? iff!(conditionB ? expressionA : expressionB) : expressionC);

Currently using the `?` operator within `iff` is not possible, as there is no way (that I know of) to check for whitespace. This should be changeable once [Tracking issue 54725](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/54725) becomes stable.