Module termimage::migration::v1_0

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Migrating to termimage v1.0

In termimage v0.5.1 and earlier, the only ANSI colour table available was based on a black-on-white terminal screenshot.

This has proved to be a problem for standard white-on-black terminals, and so another one was added in v1.0.0; however, the single-table approach was pervasive and required breakages:

  1. termimage::util::ANSI_COLOURS was renamed to termimage::util::ANSI_COLOURS_WHITE_BG, and termimage::util::ANSI_COLOURS_BLACK_BG was added
  2. termimage::util::ANSI_BG_COLOURS was removed, and replaced with termimage::util::bg_colours_for()
  3. termimage::ops::write_ansi() now takes a foreground_colours argument and derives the background therefrom; supply termimage::util::ANSI_COLOURS_WHITE_BG for the old behaviour
  4. the encapsulated value in termimage::Options::ansi_out is now an enum, explicitly delineating which of truecolor/simple-on-black/simple-on-white to print, with the values updated to [variant][-background]