termimage 0.2.1

Display images in your terminal, kind of
termimage(1) -- Display images in your terminal, kind of


`termimage` [OPTIONS] &lt;<IMAGE>&gt;


Show images in your terminal.

The images are automatically downscaled to the terminal's size and their
colours are approximated to match the terminal's display colours.

With ANSI output this means a 3-bit colour resolution, with WinAPI - 4-bit.

With WinAPI output the output colours are acquired from the console itself,
with ANSI output a sane default is assumed.



  Image to display.

  The format is guessed from the extension or magic.

  -s --size &lt;<size>&gt;

    Output image resolution.

    By default this is autodetected to match the output terminal's resolution,
    but is required when outputting to a file.

    Format: NxM

  -a --ansi &lt;<ANSI_type>&gt;

    Force ANSI output of the specified kind,

    The accepted values are "simple" and "truecolor", truecolor is the default
    on non-Windows.

    Simple ANSI output uses 3-bit background colours, while truecolor supports
    the whole 24-bit pallette.

  -f --force

    By default the image's aspect ratio will be preserved when downscaling,
    use this option to override that behaviour.


  `termimage` [`-s` *NxM*] [`-f`] *assets/image.png*

    Display assets/image.png in the terminal using the default output type,
    optionally not preserving the aspect ratio.

  `termimage` [`-s` *NxM*] [`-f`] [`-a` *simple*] *assets/image.png*

    Display assets/image.png in the terminal using the simple ANSI output type,
    optionally not preserving the aspect ratio.

  (for f in $(find *image_dir* -type f); do `termimage -s` *NxM* [`-f`] [`-a` *ANSI_type*] $f; done) > *out_file*

    Print all images in image_dir to out_file.

    Note the --size option being specified, since it's required when outputting to a file.


Written by nabijaczleweli &lt;<nabijaczleweli@gmail.com>&gt;
       and Josh Triplett &lt;<josh@joshtriplett.org>&gt;



