termbox_simple 0.2.3

A hacked version of termbox (see README)
This is a modified (simplified) version of
[termbox](https://github.com/nsf/termbox), with Rust bindings.

Main differences are:

* All input and signal handling removed (including `SIGWINCH`). For now
  resizing should be done manually by setting `buffer_size_change_request`.

* Some input handling related files and functions are removed.

* utf8-related functions are removed.

(Based on [7f7694](https://github.com/nsf/termbox/commit/7f7694061d7d3eba9a7d9b6a8313155c03545e46))

* Few other tweaks in various functions:

    - `tb_shutdown` resets `cursor_x` and `cursor_y` so that in an application
      if you shutdown termbox and then initialize again you get correct cursor


* Support for terminal focus events implemented.