term_size 1.0.0-beta1

functions for determining terminal sizes and dimensions
name = "term_size"
version = "1.0.0-beta1"
authors = ["Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>", "Benjamin Sago <ogham@bsago.me>"]
exclude = []
description = "functions for determining terminal sizes and dimensions"
repository = "https://github.com/kbknapp/term_size-rs.git"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/term_size/"
readme = "README.md"
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
keywords = ["term", "terminal", "size", "width", "dimension"]
categories = ["command-line-interface"]

travis-ci = {repository = "kbknapp/term_size-rs"}
appveyor = {repository = "kbknapp/term_size-rs"}

clippy = { version = "0.0.175", optional = true }

[target.'cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))'.dependencies]
libc = "0.2.20"

[target.'cfg(target_os = "windows")'.dependencies]
kernel32-sys = "0.2.2"
winapi = "0.2.8"

default     = []
lints       = ["clippy", "nightly"]
nightly     = [] # for building with nightly and unstable features
unstable    = [] # for building with unstable features on stable Rust
debug       = [] # for building with debug messages
travis      = ["lints", "nightly"] # for building with travis-cargo

opt-level = 3
debug = false
rpath = false
lto = true
debug-assertions = false
# codegen-units ignored with lto=true

opt-level = 0
debug = true
rpath = false
lto = false
debug-assertions = true
codegen-units = 4

opt-level = 1
debug = true
rpath = false
lto = false
debug-assertions = true
codegen-units = 2

opt-level = 3
debug = false
rpath = false
lto = true
debug-assertions = false

opt-level = 0
debug = true
rpath = false
lto = false
debug-assertions = true
codegen-units = 4