term_cursor 0.1.3

A crate for handling terminal cursor movement in a platform independent way.
# term_cursor

A pure-rust crate for manipulating the position of the terminal cursor!
Also allows for clearing the screen!

## Usage

    extern crate term_cursor as cursor;

    fn main() {
        // Clear the screen. Does not reset the cursor position!
        print!("{}", cursor::Clear);
        // Position the cursor at column 5 and row 10 and print "Hello world!".
        print!("{}Hello world!", cursor::Goto(5, 10));
        // Go up a line. Does not reset the column of the cursor!
        print!("{}I'm above", cursor::Up(1));

        // Let's do the same thing again, with the second API.
        cursor::clear().expect("Clear failed");
        cursor::set_cursor_pos(5, 10).expect("Setting the cursor position failed");
        print!("Hello world!");
        let (x, _y) = cursor::get_cursor_pos().expect("Getting the cursor position failed");
        cursor::set_cursor_pos(x, 9).expect("Set failed again");
        print!("I'm above");

        // To finish off the example, move the cursor down 2 lines.
        // That's where the command prompt will return once the program finishes.
        // We don't the command prompt to overprint our stuff!
        print!("{}", cursor::Goto(0, 12));