term-table 0.1.0

Tables for CLI apps
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The purpose of term-table-rs is to make displaying table data in CLI apps easier


Here is an example of how to create a table

let mut table = Table::new();
table.max_column_width = 40;

table.style = TableStyle::extended(); 

    Cell::new_with_alignment("This is some centered text", 2, Alignment::Center)

    Cell::new("This is left aligned text", 1),
    Cell::new_with_alignment("This is right aligned text", 1, Alignment::Right)

    Cell::new("This is left aligned text", 1),
    Cell::new_with_alignment("This is right aligned text", 1, Alignment::Right)

    Cell::new("This is some really really really really really really really really really that is going to wrap to the next line", 2),

println!("{}", table.as_string());

Here's the result

extended style

Table Styles

It is possible to define your own table styles by creating a new instance of TableStyle

This is what the extend table style implementation looks like. This is the defualy style in term-table-rs

pub fn extended() -> TableStyle {
    return TableStyle {
        top_left_corner: '',
        top_right_corner: '',
        bottom_left_corner: '',
        bottom_right_corner: '',
        outer_left_vertical: '',
        outer_right_vertical: '',
        outer_bottom_horizontal: '',
        outer_top_horizontal: '',
        intersection: '',
        vertical: '',
        horizontal: '',

TableStyle also implements a simple() table style function and a blank() table style function

Those styles looks like this


blank style


simple style