term-inquiry 0.1.1

Quick and easy way to make terminal inquiries using builder pattern.
# Term Inquiry

Term Inquiry is a crate that allows creating various types of inquiries. This
projecte is still a work in progress.

## Supported Platforms

 * Linux
 * OSX
 * Windows (tested on Windows 10)

## Inquiry Types

All inquiry types will have an example in the `examples` folder. So feel free
to try them out.

### List

Provides a list of single choise options with a given message.
use term_inquiry::List;

List::<&'static str>::new("Please select an option")
    .add_item("Option 1", "value1")
    .add_item("Option 2", "value2")
    .add_item("Option 3", "value3")
[?] Please select an option:
  →  Option 1
    Option 2
    Option 3

### CheckboxList

Provides a list of check boxes (multiple choise) with a given message.
CheckboxList::<&'static str>::new(String::from("Please select an option:"))
    .add_item("Option 1", "value1")
    .add_item("Option 2", "value2")
    .add_item("Option 3", "value3")
[?] Please select an option: Press 'a' to accept selection
  →  [✘] Option 1
    [✘] Option 2
    [✘] Option 2