tera 1.7.0

Template engine based on Jinja2/Django templates
use crate::context::ValueNumber;
use crate::errors::{Error, Result};
use regex::Regex;
use serde_json::value::Value;

/// The tester function type definition
pub trait Test: Sync + Send {
    /// The tester function type definition
    fn test(&self, value: Option<&Value>, args: &[Value]) -> Result<bool>;

impl<F> Test for F
    F: Fn(Option<&Value>, &[Value]) -> Result<bool> + Sync + Send,
    fn test(&self, value: Option<&Value>, args: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
        self(value, args)

/// Check that the number of args match what was expected
pub fn number_args_allowed(tester_name: &str, max: usize, args_len: usize) -> Result<()> {
    if max == 0 && args_len > max {
        return Err(Error::msg(format!(
            "Tester `{}` was called with some args but this test doesn't take args",

    if args_len > max {
        return Err(Error::msg(format!(
            "Tester `{}` was called with {} args, the max number is {}",
            tester_name, args_len, max


/// Called to check if the Value is defined and return an Err if not
pub fn value_defined(tester_name: &str, value: Option<&Value>) -> Result<()> {
    if value.is_none() {
        return Err(Error::msg(format!(
            "Tester `{}` was called on an undefined variable",


/// Helper function to extract string from an Option<Value> to remove boilerplate
/// with tester error handling
pub fn extract_string<'a>(
    tester_name: &str,
    part: &str,
    value: Option<&'a Value>,
) -> Result<&'a str> {
    match value.and_then(Value::as_str) {
        Some(s) => Ok(s),
        None => Err(Error::msg(format!(
            "Tester `{}` was called {} that isn't a string",
            tester_name, part

/// Returns true if `value` is defined. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn defined(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("defined", 0, params.len())?;


/// Returns true if `value` is undefined. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn undefined(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("undefined", 0, params.len())?;


/// Returns true if `value` is a string. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn string(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("string", 0, params.len())?;
    value_defined("string", value)?;

    match value {
        Some(Value::String(_)) => Ok(true),
        _ => Ok(false),

/// Returns true if `value` is a number. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn number(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("number", 0, params.len())?;
    value_defined("number", value)?;

    match value {
        Some(Value::Number(_)) => Ok(true),
        _ => Ok(false),

/// Returns true if `value` is an odd number. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn odd(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("odd", 0, params.len())?;
    value_defined("odd", value)?;

    match value.and_then(|v| v.to_number().ok()) {
        Some(f) => Ok(f % 2.0 != 0.0),
        _ => Err(Error::msg("Tester `odd` was called on a variable that isn't a number")),

/// Returns true if `value` is an even number. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn even(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("even", 0, params.len())?;
    value_defined("even", value)?;

    let is_odd = odd(value, params)?;

/// Returns true if `value` is divisible by the first param. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn divisible_by(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("divisibleby", 1, params.len())?;
    value_defined("divisibleby", value)?;

    match value.and_then(|v| v.to_number().ok()) {
        Some(val) => match params.first().and_then(|v| v.to_number().ok()) {
            Some(p) => Ok(val % p == 0.0),
            None => Err(Error::msg(
                "Tester `divisibleby` was called with a parameter that isn't a number",
        None => {
            Err(Error::msg("Tester `divisibleby` was called on a variable that isn't a number"))

/// Returns true if `value` can be iterated over in Tera (ie is an array/tuple or an object).
/// Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn iterable(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("iterable", 0, params.len())?;
    value_defined("iterable", value)?;

    Ok(value.unwrap().is_array() || value.unwrap().is_object())

/// Returns true if the given variable is an object (ie can be iterated over key, value).
/// Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn object(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("object", 0, params.len())?;
    value_defined("object", value)?;


/// Returns true if `value` starts with the given string. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn starting_with(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("starting_with", 1, params.len())?;
    value_defined("starting_with", value)?;

    let value = extract_string("starting_with", "on a variable", value)?;
    let needle = extract_string("starting_with", "with a parameter", params.first())?;

/// Returns true if `value` ends with the given string. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn ending_with(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("ending_with", 1, params.len())?;
    value_defined("ending_with", value)?;

    let value = extract_string("ending_with", "on a variable", value)?;
    let needle = extract_string("ending_with", "with a parameter", params.first())?;

/// Returns true if `value` contains the given argument. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn containing(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("containing", 1, params.len())?;
    value_defined("containing", value)?;

    match value.unwrap() {
        Value::String(v) => {
            let needle = extract_string("containing", "with a parameter", params.first())?;
        Value::Array(v) => Ok(v.contains(params.first().unwrap())),
        Value::Object(v) => {
            let needle = extract_string("containing", "with a parameter", params.first())?;
        _ => Err(Error::msg("Tester `containing` can only be used on string, array or map")),

/// Returns true if `value` is a string and matches the regex in the argument. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn matching(value: Option<&Value>, params: &[Value]) -> Result<bool> {
    number_args_allowed("matching", 1, params.len())?;
    value_defined("matching", value)?;

    let value = extract_string("matching", "on a variable", value)?;
    let regex = extract_string("matching", "with a parameter", params.first())?;

    let regex = match Regex::new(regex) {
        Ok(regex) => regex,
        Err(err) => {
            return Err(Error::msg(format!(
                "Tester `matching`: Invalid regular expression: {}",


mod tests {
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    use super::{
        containing, defined, divisible_by, ending_with, iterable, matching, object, starting_with,

    use serde_json::value::to_value;

    fn test_number_args_ok() {
        assert!(defined(None, &vec![]).is_ok())

    fn test_too_many_args() {
        assert!(defined(None, &vec![to_value(1).unwrap()]).is_err())

    fn test_value_defined() {
        assert!(string(None, &[]).is_err())

    fn test_divisible_by() {
        let tests = vec![
            (1.0, 2.0, false),
            (4.0, 2.0, true),
            (4.0, 2.1, false),
            (10.0, 2.0, true),
            (10.0, 0.0, false),

        for (val, divisor, expected) in tests {
                divisible_by(Some(&to_value(val).unwrap()), &[to_value(divisor).unwrap()],)

    fn test_iterable() {
        assert_eq!(iterable(Some(&to_value(vec!["1"]).unwrap()), &[]).unwrap(), true);
        assert_eq!(iterable(Some(&to_value(1).unwrap()), &[]).unwrap(), false);
        assert_eq!(iterable(Some(&to_value("hello").unwrap()), &[]).unwrap(), false);

    fn test_object() {
        let mut h = HashMap::new();
        h.insert("a", 1);
        assert_eq!(object(Some(&to_value(h).unwrap()), &[]).unwrap(), true);
        assert_eq!(object(Some(&to_value(1).unwrap()), &[]).unwrap(), false);
        assert_eq!(object(Some(&to_value("hello").unwrap()), &[]).unwrap(), false);

    fn test_starting_with() {
            !starting_with(Some(&to_value("hello").unwrap()), &[to_value("hi").unwrap()],).unwrap()

    fn test_ending_with() {
            ending_with(Some(&to_value("helloworld").unwrap()), &[to_value("world").unwrap()],)
            !ending_with(Some(&to_value("hello").unwrap()), &[to_value("hi").unwrap()],).unwrap()

    fn test_containing() {
        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        map.insert("hey", 1);

        let tests = vec![
            (to_value("hello world").unwrap(), to_value("hel").unwrap(), true),
            (to_value("hello world").unwrap(), to_value("hol").unwrap(), false),
            (to_value(vec![1, 2, 3]).unwrap(), to_value(3).unwrap(), true),
            (to_value(vec![1, 2, 3]).unwrap(), to_value(4).unwrap(), false),
            (to_value(map.clone()).unwrap(), to_value("hey").unwrap(), true),
            (to_value(map.clone()).unwrap(), to_value("ho").unwrap(), false),

        for (container, needle, expected) in tests {
            assert_eq!(containing(Some(&container), &[needle]).unwrap(), expected);

    fn test_matching() {
        let tests = vec![
            (to_value("abc").unwrap(), to_value("b").unwrap(), true),
            (to_value("abc").unwrap(), to_value("^b$").unwrap(), false),
                to_value("Hello, World!").unwrap(),
                to_value("The date was 2018-06-28").unwrap(),

        for (container, needle, expected) in tests {
            assert_eq!(matching(Some(&container), &[needle]).unwrap(), expected);

            matching(Some(&to_value("").unwrap()), &[to_value("(Invalid regex").unwrap()]).is_err()