tera 1.17.1

Template engine based on Jinja2/Django templates
// More about pest syntax https://pest.rs/book/grammars/syntax.html
// Built-in rules (WHITESPACE, ANY, SOI, DOI and others) https://pest.rs/book/grammars/built-ins.html

// -----------------------------------------------

WHITESPACE = _{ " " | "\t" | "\r" | "\n" }

int   = @{ "-" ? ~ ("0" | '1'..'9' ~ '0'..'9' * ) }
float = @{
    "-" ? ~
        "0" ~ "." ~ '0'..'9' + |
        '1'..'9' ~ '0'..'9' * ~ "." ~ '0'..'9' +
// matches anything between 2 double quotes
double_quoted_string  = @{ "\"" ~ (!("\"") ~ ANY)* ~ "\""}
// matches anything between 2 single quotes
single_quoted_string  = @{ "\'" ~ (!("\'") ~ ANY)* ~ "\'"}
// matches anything between 2 backquotes\backticks
backquoted_quoted_string  = @{ "`" ~ (!("`") ~ ANY)* ~ "`"}

string = @{
    double_quoted_string |
    single_quoted_string |

boolean = { "true" | "false" | "True" | "False" }

// -----------------------------------------------

op_or        = @{ "or" ~ WHITESPACE }
op_and       = @{ "and" ~ WHITESPACE }
op_not       = @{ "not" ~ WHITESPACE }
op_lte       = { "<=" }
op_gte       = { ">=" }
op_lt        = { "<" }
op_gt        = { ">" }
op_eq        = { "==" }
op_ineq      = { "!=" }
op_plus      = { "+" }
op_minus     = { "-" }
op_times     = { "*" }
op_slash     = { "/" }
op_modulo    = { "%" }

// -------------------------------------------------

/// Idents

all_chars = _{'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | "_" | '0'..'9'}
// Used everywhere where an ident is used, except when accessing
// data from the context.
// Eg block name, argument name, macro name etc
ident = @{
    ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | "_") ~

// The context_ident used to get data from the context.
// Same as ident but allows `.` in it
dotted_ident = @{
    ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | "_") ~
    all_chars* ~
    ("." ~ all_chars+)*

square_brackets = @{
    "[" ~ (int | string | dotted_square_bracket_ident) ~ "]"

dotted_square_bracket_ident = @{
    dotted_ident ~ ( ("." ~ all_chars+) | square_brackets )*

string_concat = { (fn_call | float | int | string | dotted_square_bracket_ident) ~ ("~" ~ (fn_call | float | int | string | dotted_square_bracket_ident))+ }

// ----------------------------------------------------

/// We'll use precedence climbing on those in the parser phase

// boolean first so they are not caught as identifiers
basic_val  = _{ boolean | test_not | test | macro_call | fn_call | dotted_square_bracket_ident | float | int }
basic_op   = _{ op_plus | op_minus | op_times | op_slash | op_modulo }
basic_expr = { ("(" ~ basic_expr ~ ")" | basic_val) ~ (basic_op ~ ("(" ~ basic_expr ~ ")" | basic_val))* }
basic_expr_filter = !{ basic_expr ~ filter* }
string_expr_filter = !{ (string_concat | string) ~ filter* }

comparison_val  = { basic_expr_filter ~ (basic_op ~ basic_expr_filter)* }
comparison_op   = _{ op_lte | op_gte | op_gt | op_lt | op_eq | op_ineq }
comparison_expr = { (string_expr_filter | comparison_val) ~ (comparison_op ~ (string_expr_filter | comparison_val))? }

// The `in` operator
in_cond_container = {string_expr_filter | array_filter | dotted_square_bracket_ident}
in_cond = !{ (string_expr_filter | basic_expr_filter) ~ op_not? ~ "in" ~ in_cond_container }

logic_val  = !{ op_not? ~ (in_cond | comparison_expr) }
logic_expr = !{ logic_val ~ ((op_or | op_and) ~ logic_val)* }

array = !{ "[" ~ (logic_val ~ ",")* ~ logic_val? ~ "]"}
array_filter = !{ array ~ filter* }

string_array = !{ "[" ~ (string ~ ",")* ~ string? ~ "]"}

// ----------------------------------------------------


// A keyword argument: something=10, something="a value", something=1+10 etc
kwarg   = { ident ~ "=" ~ (logic_expr | array_filter) }
kwargs  = _{ kwarg ~ ("," ~ kwarg )* ~ ","? }
fn_call = !{ ident ~ "(" ~ kwargs? ~ ")" }
filter  = { "|" ~ (fn_call | ident) }

// ------------------------------------------------------


// A macro argument can have default value, only a literal though
macro_def_arg   = ${ (ident ~ "=" ~ (boolean | string | float | int)) | ident }
macro_def_args  = _{ macro_def_arg ~ ("," ~ macro_def_arg)* }
macro_fn        = _{ ident ~ "(" ~ macro_def_args? ~ ")" }
macro_fn_wrapper = !{ macro_fn }
macro_call      = { ident ~ "::" ~ ident ~ "(" ~ kwargs? ~ ")" }

// -------------------------------------------------------


// It's a bit weird that tests are the only thing in Tera not using kwargs
// but at the same time it's one arg most of the time so...
test_arg  = { logic_expr | array_filter }
test_args = _{ test_arg ~ ("," ~ test_arg)* }
test_call = !{ ident ~ ("(" ~ test_args ~ ")")? }
test_not  = { dotted_ident ~ "is" ~ "not" ~ test_call }
test      = { dotted_ident ~ "is" ~ test_call }

// -------------------------------------------------------

/// TERA

// All the blocks that Tera recognises
variable_start = { "{{-" | "{{" }
variable_end   = { "-}}" | "}}" }
// whitespace control
tag_start      = { "{%-" | "{%" }
tag_end        = { "-%}" | "%}" }
comment_start  = { "{#-" | "{#" }
comment_end    = { "-#}" | "#}" }
block_start    = _{ variable_start | tag_start | comment_start }

comment_text       = ${ (!(comment_end) ~ ANY)+ }

// Tag marks
ignore_missing = { "ignore" ~ WHITESPACE* ~ "missing" }

// Actual tags
include_tag      = ${ tag_start ~ WHITESPACE* ~ "include" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ (string | string_array) ~ WHITESPACE* ~ ignore_missing? ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end }
comment_tag      = ${ comment_start ~ comment_text ~ comment_end }
block_tag        = ${ tag_start ~ WHITESPACE* ~ "block" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ ident ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end }
macro_tag        = ${ tag_start ~ WHITESPACE* ~ "macro" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ macro_fn_wrapper ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end }
if_tag           = ${ tag_start ~ WHITESPACE* ~ "if" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ logic_expr ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end }
elif_tag         = ${ tag_start ~ WHITESPACE* ~ "elif" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ logic_expr ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end }
else_tag         = !{ tag_start ~ "else" ~ tag_end }
for_tag          = ${
    tag_start ~ WHITESPACE*
    ~ "for"~ WHITESPACE+ ~ ident ~ ("," ~ WHITESPACE* ~ ident)? ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ "in" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ (basic_expr_filter | array_filter)
    ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end
filter_tag       = ${
    tag_start ~ WHITESPACE*
    ~ "filter" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ (fn_call | ident)
    ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end
set_tag          = ${
    tag_start ~ WHITESPACE*
    ~ "set" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ ident ~ WHITESPACE* ~ "=" ~ WHITESPACE* ~ (logic_expr | array_filter)
    ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end
set_global_tag   = ${
    tag_start ~ WHITESPACE*
    ~ "set_global" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ ident ~ WHITESPACE* ~ "=" ~ WHITESPACE* ~ (logic_expr | array_filter)
    ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end
endblock_tag     = !{ tag_start ~ "endblock" ~ ident? ~ tag_end }
endmacro_tag     = !{ tag_start ~ "endmacro" ~ ident? ~ tag_end }
endif_tag        = !{ tag_start ~ "endif" ~ tag_end }
endfor_tag       = !{ tag_start ~ "endfor" ~ tag_end }
endfilter_tag    = !{ tag_start ~ "endfilter" ~ tag_end }
break_tag        = !{ tag_start ~ "break" ~ tag_end }
continue_tag     = !{ tag_start ~ "continue" ~ tag_end }

variable_tag     = !{ variable_start ~ (logic_expr | array_filter) ~ variable_end }
super_tag        = !{ variable_start ~ "super()" ~ variable_end }

text       = ${ (!(block_start) ~ ANY)+ }

raw_tag    = !{ tag_start ~ "raw" ~ tag_end }
endraw_tag = !{ tag_start ~ "endraw" ~ tag_end }
raw_text   = ${ (!endraw_tag ~ ANY)* }
raw        = ${ raw_tag ~ raw_text ~ endraw_tag }

filter_section = ${ filter_tag ~ filter_section_content* ~ endfilter_tag }

forloop = ${ for_tag ~ for_content* ~ (else_tag ~ for_content*)* ~ endfor_tag }

macro_if          = ${ if_tag ~ macro_content* ~ (elif_tag ~ macro_content*)* ~ (else_tag ~ macro_content*)? ~ endif_tag }
block_if          = ${ if_tag ~ block_content* ~ (elif_tag ~ block_content*)* ~ (else_tag ~ block_content*)? ~ endif_tag }
for_if            = ${ if_tag ~ for_content* ~ (elif_tag ~ for_content*)* ~ (else_tag ~ for_content*)? ~ endif_tag }
filter_section_if = ${ if_tag ~ filter_section_content* ~ (elif_tag ~ filter_section_content*)* ~ (else_tag ~ filter_section_content*)? ~ endif_tag }
content_if        = ${ if_tag ~ content* ~ (elif_tag ~ content*)* ~ (else_tag ~ content*)? ~ endif_tag }

block            = ${ block_tag ~ block_content* ~ endblock_tag }
macro_definition = ${ macro_tag ~ macro_content* ~ endmacro_tag }

filter_section_content = @{
    include_tag |
    variable_tag |
    comment_tag |
    set_tag |
    set_global_tag |
    block |
    forloop |
    filter_section_if |
    raw |
    filter_section |

// smaller sets of allowed content in macros
macro_content = @{
    include_tag |
    variable_tag |
    comment_tag |
    set_tag |
    set_global_tag |
    macro_if |
    forloop |
    filter_section |
    raw |

// smaller set of allowed content in block
block_content = @{
    include_tag |
    super_tag |
    variable_tag |
    comment_tag |
    set_tag |
    set_global_tag |
    block |
    block_if |
    forloop |
    filter_section |
    raw |

// set of allowed content inside for loops
for_content = @{
    include_tag |
    variable_tag |
    comment_tag |
    set_tag |
    set_global_tag |
    for_if |
    forloop |
    break_tag |
    continue_tag |
    filter_section |
    raw |

content = @{
    include_tag |
    variable_tag |
    comment_tag |
    set_tag |
    set_global_tag |
    macro_definition |
    block |
    content_if |
    forloop |
    filter_section |
    raw |

extends_tag = ${
    WHITESPACE* ~ tag_start ~ WHITESPACE*
    ~ "extends" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ string
    ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end ~ WHITESPACE*
import_macro_tag = ${
    WHITESPACE* ~ tag_start ~ WHITESPACE*
    ~ "import" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ string ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ "as" ~ WHITESPACE+ ~ ident
    ~ WHITESPACE* ~ tag_end ~ WHITESPACE*
top_imports = _{
    (extends_tag ~ import_macro_tag*)
    (import_macro_tag+ ~ extends_tag?)

// top level rule
template = ${
    ~ comment_tag*
    ~ top_imports?
    ~ content*
    ~ EOI