tera-plaintext-filters 0.1.1

Filters for the Tera engine, useful for plaintext file generation.


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Filters for the Tera engine, useful for plaintext file generation.

Howto generate plaintext files with tera with alignment.


To render such table:

| No |      *Name*        |  Score |
| 1. |      Charly        |   3000 |
| 2. |     Alexander      |    800 |
| 3. |     Josephine      |    760 |

Tera Template

| No |    *Name*   |     Score |
{% for member in team | slice(end=10) %}
| {{- loop.index ~ '.' | left_align(length=4) -}} | {{- member.name | center(length=20) -}} | {{- member.score | right_align(length=10) -}} |
{% endfor %}


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