tendril 0.1.0

compact buffer / string type for zero-copy parsing
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
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// except according to those terms.

//! A simple fuzz tester for the library.

#![feature(unsafe_no_drop_flag, str_char)]

extern crate rand;
extern crate tendril;

use std::borrow::ToOwned;

use rand::Rng;
use rand::distributions::{IndependentSample, Range};
use tendril::StrTendril;

fn fuzz() {
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let capacity = Range::new(0u32, 1 << 14).ind_sample(&mut rng);
    let mut buf_string = String::with_capacity(capacity as usize);
    let mut buf_tendril = StrTendril::with_capacity(capacity);
    let mut string_slices = vec![];
    let mut tendril_slices = vec![];

    for _ in 1 .. 100_000 {
        if buf_string.len() > (1 << 30) {

        let dist_action = Range::new(0, 100);
        match dist_action.ind_sample(&mut rng) {
            0...15 => {
                let (start, end) = random_slice(&mut rng, TEXT);
                let snip = &TEXT[start..end];
                assert_eq!(&*buf_string, &*buf_tendril);

            16...31 => {
                let (start, end) = random_slice(&mut rng, &buf_string);
                let snip = &buf_string[start..end].to_owned();
                assert_eq!(&*buf_string, &*buf_tendril);

            32...47 => {
                let lenstr = format!("[length = {}]", buf_tendril.len());
                assert_eq!(&*buf_string, &*buf_tendril);

            48...63 => {
                let n = random_boundary(&mut rng, &buf_string);
                buf_tendril.pop_front(n as u32);
                buf_string = buf_string[n..].to_owned();
                assert_eq!(&*buf_string, &*buf_tendril);

            64...79 => {
                let new_len = random_boundary(&mut rng, &buf_string);
                let n = buf_string.len() - new_len;
                buf_tendril.pop_back(n as u32);
                assert_eq!(&*buf_string, &*buf_tendril);

            80...90 => {
                let (start, end) = random_slice(&mut rng, &buf_string);
                buf_string = buf_string[start..end].to_owned();
                buf_tendril = buf_tendril.subtendril(start as u32, (end - start) as u32);
                assert_eq!(&*buf_string, &*buf_tendril);

            91...96 => {
                let c = rng.gen();
                assert_eq!(&*buf_string, &*buf_tendril);

            97 => {
                assert_eq!(&*buf_string, &*buf_tendril);

            _ => {
                let (start, end) = random_slice(&mut rng, &buf_string);
                tendril_slices.push(buf_tendril.subtendril(start as u32, (end - start) as u32));
                assert_eq!(string_slices.len(), tendril_slices.len());
                assert!(string_slices.iter().zip(tendril_slices.iter()).all(|(s,t)| **s == **t));

fn random_boundary<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, text: &str) -> usize {
    loop {
        let i = Range::new(0, text.len()+1).ind_sample(rng);
        if text.is_char_boundary(i) {
            return i;

fn random_slice<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, text: &str) -> (usize, usize) {
    loop {
        let start = Range::new(0, text.len()+1).ind_sample(rng);
        let end = Range::new(start, text.len()+1).ind_sample(rng);
        if !text.is_char_boundary(start) {
        if end < text.len() && !text.is_char_boundary(end) {
        return (start, end);

static TEXT: &'static str =
    "It was from the artists and poets that the pertinent answers came, and I \
     know that panic would have broken loose had they been able to compare notes. \
     As it was, lacking their original letters, I half suspected the compiler of \
     having asked leading questions, or of having edited the correspondence in \
     corroboration of what he had latently resolved to see.\
     ˙ǝǝs oʇ pǝʌʃosǝɹ ʎʃʇuǝʇɐʃ pɐɥ ǝɥ ʇɐɥʍ ɟo uoıʇɐɹoqoɹɹoɔ uı ǝɔuǝpuodsǝɹɹoɔ ǝɥʇ \
     pǝʇıpǝ ƃuıʌɐɥ ɟo ɹo 'suoıʇsǝnb ƃuıpɐǝʃ pǝʞsɐ ƃuıʌɐɥ ɟo ɹǝʃıdɯoɔ ǝɥʇ pǝʇɔǝdsns \
     ɟʃɐɥ I 'sɹǝʇʇǝʃ ʃɐuıƃıɹo ɹıǝɥʇ ƃuıʞɔɐʃ 'sɐʍ ʇı s∀ ˙sǝʇou ǝɹɐdɯoɔ oʇ ǝʃqɐ uǝǝq \
     ʎǝɥʇ pɐɥ ǝsooʃ uǝʞoɹq ǝʌɐɥ pʃnoʍ ɔıuɐd ʇɐɥʇ ʍouʞ I puɐ 'ǝɯɐɔ sɹǝʍsuɐ ʇuǝuıʇɹǝd \
     ǝɥʇ ʇɐɥʇ sʇǝod puɐ sʇsıʇɹɐ ǝɥʇ ɯoɹɟ sɐʍ ʇI";

fn main() {