tendermint 0.28.0

Tendermint is a high-performance blockchain consensus engine that powers Byzantine fault tolerant applications written in any programming language. This crate provides core types for representing information about Tendermint blockchain networks, including chain information types, secret connections, and remote procedure calls (JSON-RPC).
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::serializers::bytes::base64string;

/// An event that occurred while processing a request.
/// Application developers can attach additional information to
/// [`BeginBlock`](super::response::BeginBlock),
/// [`EndBlock`](super::response::EndBlock),
/// [`CheckTx`](super::response::CheckTx), and
/// [`DeliverTx`](super::response::DeliverTx) responses. Later, transactions may
/// be queried using these events.
/// [ABCI documentation](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/spec/abci/abci.html#events)
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Event {
    /// The kind of event.
    /// Tendermint calls this the `type`, but we use `kind` to avoid confusion
    /// with Rust types and follow Rust conventions.
    #[serde(rename = "type")]
    pub kind: String,
    /// A list of [`EventAttribute`]s describing the event.
    pub attributes: Vec<EventAttribute>,

impl Event {
    /// Construct an event from generic data.
    /// The `From` impls on [`EventAttribute`] and the [`EventAttributeIndexExt`]
    /// trait allow ergonomic event construction, as in this example:
    /// ```
    /// use tendermint::abci::{Event, EventAttributeIndexExt};
    /// let event = Event::new(
    ///     "app",
    ///     vec![
    ///         ("key1", "value1").index(),
    ///         ("key2", "value2").index(),
    ///         ("key3", "value3").no_index(), // will not be indexed
    ///     ],
    /// );
    /// ```
    // XXX(hdevalence): remove vec! from example after https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/65819
    pub fn new<K, I>(kind: K, attributes: I) -> Self
        K: Into<String>,
        I: IntoIterator,
        I::Item: Into<EventAttribute>,
        Self {
            kind: kind.into(),
            attributes: attributes.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),

/// A key-value pair describing an [`Event`].
/// Generic methods are provided for more ergonomic attribute construction, see
/// [`Event::new`] for details.
/// [ABCI documentation](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/spec/abci/abci.html#events)
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EventAttribute {
    /// The event key.
        serialize_with = "base64string::serialize",
        deserialize_with = "base64string::deserialize_to_string"
    pub key: String,
    /// The event value.
        serialize_with = "base64string::serialize",
        deserialize_with = "base64string::deserialize_to_string"
    pub value: String,
    /// Whether Tendermint's indexer should index this event.
    /// **This field is nondeterministic**.
    pub index: bool,

impl<K: Into<String>, V: Into<String>> From<(K, V, bool)> for EventAttribute {
    fn from((key, value, index): (K, V, bool)) -> Self {
        EventAttribute {
            key: key.into(),
            value: value.into(),

/// Adds convenience methods to tuples for more ergonomic [`EventAttribute`]
/// construction.
/// See [`Event::new`] for details.
pub trait EventAttributeIndexExt: private::Sealed {
    type Key;
    type Value;

    /// Indicate that this key/value pair should be indexed by Tendermint.
    fn index(self) -> (Self::Key, Self::Value, bool);
    /// Indicate that this key/value pair should not be indexed by Tendermint.
    fn no_index(self) -> (Self::Key, Self::Value, bool);

impl<K: Into<String>, V: Into<String>> EventAttributeIndexExt for (K, V) {
    type Key = K;
    type Value = V;
    fn index(self) -> (K, V, bool) {
        let (key, value) = self;
        (key, value, true)
    fn no_index(self) -> (K, V, bool) {
        let (key, value) = self;
        (key, value, false)

mod private {
    use crate::prelude::*;

    pub trait Sealed {}

    impl<K: Into<String>, V: Into<String>> Sealed for (K, V) {}

impl<K: Into<String>, V: Into<String>> From<(K, V)> for EventAttribute {
    fn from((key, value): (K, V)) -> Self {
        (key, value, false).into()

// =============================================================================
// Protobuf conversions
// =============================================================================

use core::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};

use tendermint_proto::{abci as pb, Protobuf};

impl From<EventAttribute> for pb::EventAttribute {
    fn from(event: EventAttribute) -> Self {
        Self {
            key: event.key.into(),
            value: event.value.into(),
            index: event.index,

impl TryFrom<pb::EventAttribute> for EventAttribute {
    type Error = crate::Error;

    fn try_from(event: pb::EventAttribute) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        // We insist that keys and values are strings, like tm 0.35 did.
        Ok(Self {
            key: String::from_utf8(event.key.to_vec())
                .map_err(|e| crate::Error::parse(e.to_string()))?,
            value: String::from_utf8(event.value.to_vec())
                .map_err(|e| crate::Error::parse(e.to_string()))?,
            index: event.index,

impl Protobuf<pb::EventAttribute> for EventAttribute {}

impl From<Event> for pb::Event {
    fn from(event: Event) -> Self {
        Self {
            r#type: event.kind,
            attributes: event.attributes.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),

impl TryFrom<pb::Event> for Event {
    type Error = crate::Error;

    fn try_from(event: pb::Event) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        Ok(Self {
            kind: event.r#type,
            attributes: event
                .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,

impl Protobuf<pb::Event> for Event {}