tendermint 0.1.2

Tendermint is a high-performance blockchain consensus engine that powers Byzantine fault tolerant applications written in any programming language. This crate provides types for representing information about Tendermint blockchain networks, including chain IDs, block IDs, and block heights.
use bytes::BufMut;
use prost::{DecodeError, EncodeError};
use signatory::ed25519;

use amino_types::validate::ValidationError;

use chain;

/// Amino messages which are signable within a Tendermint network
pub trait SignableMsg {
    /// Sign this message as bytes
    fn sign_bytes<B: BufMut>(
        chain_id: chain::Id,
        sign_bytes: &mut B,
    ) -> Result<bool, EncodeError>;

    /// Set the Ed25519 signature on the underlying message
    fn set_signature(&mut self, sig: &ed25519::Signature);

    fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), ValidationError>;

/// Signed message types. This follows:
/// <https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/455d34134cc53c334ebd3195ac22ea444c4b59bb/types/signed_msg_type.go#L3-L16>
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum SignedMsgType {
    /// Votes

    /// Commits

    /// Proposals

impl SignedMsgType {
    pub fn to_u32(self) -> u32 {
        match self {
            // Votes
            SignedMsgType::PreVote => 0x01,
            SignedMsgType::PreCommit => 0x02,
            // Proposals
            SignedMsgType::Proposal => 0x20,

    fn from(data: u32) -> Result<SignedMsgType, DecodeError> {
        match data {
            0x01 => Ok(SignedMsgType::PreVote),
            0x02 => Ok(SignedMsgType::PreCommit),
            0x20 => Ok(SignedMsgType::Proposal),
            _ => Err(DecodeError::new("Invalid vote type")),