Module tendermint_proto::serializers[][src]

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Serde JSON serializers

Serializers and deserializers for a transparent developer experience.

CAUTION: There are no guarantees for backwards compatibility, this module should be considered an internal implementation detail which can vanish without further warning. Use at your own risk.

All serializers are presented in a serializers::<Rust_nickname>::<JSON_representation_name> format.

This example shows how to serialize Vec into different types of strings:

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use crate::serializers;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct ByteTypes {

    hexbytes: Vec<u8>,

    base64bytes: Vec<u8>,

    bytes: Vec<u8>,


Available serializers: i64 <-> string: #[serde(with=“serializers::from_str”)] u64 <-> string: #[serde(with=“serializers::from_str”)] std::time::Duration <-> nanoseconds as string #[serde(with=“serializers::time_duration”)] Vec <-> HexString: #[serde(with=“serializers::bytes::hexstring”)] Vec <-> Base64String: #[serde(with=“serializers::bytes::base64string”)] Vec <-> String: #[serde(with=“serializers::bytes::string”)]


  • Any type that has the “FromStr” trait can be serialized into a string with serializers::primitives::string.
  • serializers::bytes::* deserializes a null value into an empty vec![].


Serialize/deserialize bytes (Vec) type

Serialize and deserialize any T that implements [std::str::FromStr] and [std::fmt::Display] from or into string. Note this can be used for all primitive data types.

Serialize/deserialize nilable type into T, where nil turns into the default impl.

Serialize/deserialize Option type where T has a serializer/deserializer. Use null if the received value equals the Default implementation.

De/serialize an optional type that must be converted from/to a string.

Serialize and deserialize (from string or u32), (into u32 in

Serialize/deserialize std::time::Duration type from and into string:

Serialize/deserialize Timestamp type from and into string:

Serialize/deserialize Vec<Vec> type from and into transactions (Base64String array).