tendermint-light-client 0.17.0

Implementation of the Tendermint Light Client Verification Protocol.
//! Supervisor and Handle implementation.

use crossbeam_channel as channel;

use tendermint::evidence::{ConflictingHeadersEvidence, Evidence};

use crate::bail;
use crate::errors::{Error, ErrorKind};
use crate::evidence::EvidenceReporter;
use crate::fork_detector::{Fork, ForkDetection, ForkDetector};
use crate::light_client::LightClient;
use crate::peer_list::PeerList;
use crate::state::State;
use crate::types::{Height, LatestStatus, LightBlock, PeerId, Status};

/// Provides an interface to the supervisor for use in downstream code.
pub trait Handle: Send + Sync {
    /// Get latest trusted block.
    fn latest_trusted(&self) -> Result<Option<LightBlock>, Error>;

    /// Get the latest status.
    fn latest_status(&self) -> Result<LatestStatus, Error>;

    /// Verify to the highest block.
    fn verify_to_highest(&self) -> Result<LightBlock, Error>;

    /// Verify to the block at the given height.
    fn verify_to_target(&self, _height: Height) -> Result<LightBlock, Error>;

    /// Terminate the underlying [`Supervisor`].
    fn terminate(&self) -> Result<(), Error>;

/// Input events sent by the [`Handle`]s to the [`Supervisor`]. They carry a [`Callback`] which is
/// used to communicate back the responses of the requests.
enum HandleInput {
    /// Terminate the supervisor process

    /// Verify to the highest height, call the provided callback with result
    VerifyToHighest(channel::Sender<Result<LightBlock, Error>>),

    /// Verify to the given height, call the provided callback with result
    VerifyToTarget(Height, channel::Sender<Result<LightBlock, Error>>),

    /// Get the latest trusted block.

    /// Get the current status of the LightClient

/// A light client `Instance` packages a `LightClient` together with its `State`.
pub struct Instance {
    /// The light client for this instance
    pub light_client: LightClient,

    /// The state of the light client for this instance
    pub state: State,

impl Instance {
    /// Constructs a new instance from the given light client and its state.
    pub fn new(light_client: LightClient, state: State) -> Self {
        Self {

    /// Get the latest trusted block.
    pub fn latest_trusted(&self) -> Option<LightBlock> {

    /// Trust the given block.
    pub fn trust_block(&mut self, lb: &LightBlock) {
        self.state.light_store.update(lb, Status::Trusted);

/// The supervisor manages multiple light client instances, of which one
/// is deemed to be the primary instance through which blocks are retrieved
/// and verified. The other instances are considered as witnesses
/// which are consulted to perform fork detection.
/// If primary verification fails, the primary client is removed and a witness
/// is promoted to primary. If a witness is deemed faulty, then the witness is
/// removed.
/// The supervisor is intended to be ran in its own thread, and queried
/// via a `Handle`.
/// ## Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// let mut supervisor: Supervisor = todo!();
/// let mut handle = supervisor.handle();
/// // Spawn the supervisor in its own thread.
/// std::thread::spawn(|| supervisor.run());
/// loop {
///     // Asynchronously query the supervisor via a handle
///     let maybe_block = handle.verify_to_highest();
///     match maybe_block {
///         Ok(light_block) => {
///             println!("[info] synced to block {}", light_block.height());
///         }
///         Err(e) => {
///             println!("[error] sync failed: {}", e);
///         }
///     };
///     std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(800));
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Supervisor {
    /// List of peers and their instances (primary, witnesses, full and faulty nodes)
    peers: PeerList<Instance>,
    /// An instance of the fork detector
    fork_detector: Box<dyn ForkDetector>,
    /// Reporter of fork evidence
    evidence_reporter: Box<dyn EvidenceReporter>,
    /// Channel through which to reply to `Handle`s
    sender: channel::Sender<HandleInput>,
    /// Channel through which to receive events from the `Handle`s
    receiver: channel::Receiver<HandleInput>,

impl std::fmt::Debug for Supervisor {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            .field("peers", &self.peers)

// Ensure the `Supervisor` can be sent across thread boundaries.
static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(Supervisor: Send);

impl Supervisor {
    /// Constructs a new supevisor from the given list of peers and fork detector instance.
    pub fn new(
        peers: PeerList<Instance>,
        fork_detector: impl ForkDetector + 'static,
        evidence_reporter: impl EvidenceReporter + 'static,
    ) -> Self {
        let (sender, receiver) = channel::unbounded::<HandleInput>();

        Self {
            fork_detector: Box::new(fork_detector),
            evidence_reporter: Box::new(evidence_reporter),

    /// Create a new handle to this supervisor.
    pub fn handle(&self) -> SupervisorHandle {

    /// Get the latest trusted state of the primary peer, if any
    pub fn latest_trusted(&self) -> Option<LightBlock> {

    /// Verify to the highest block.
    pub fn verify_to_highest(&mut self) -> Result<LightBlock, Error> {

    /// Return latest trusted status summary.
    fn latest_status(&mut self) -> LatestStatus {
        let latest_trusted = self.peers.primary().latest_trusted();
        let mut connected_nodes: Vec<PeerId> = Vec::new();
        connected_nodes.append(&mut self.peers.witnesses_ids().iter().copied().collect());

        match latest_trusted {
            Some(trusted) => LatestStatus::new(
            // only return connected nodes to see what is going on:
            None => LatestStatus::new(None, None, None, connected_nodes),

    /// Verify to the block at the given height.
    pub fn verify_to_target(&mut self, height: Height) -> Result<LightBlock, Error> {

    /// Verify either to the latest block (if `height == None`) or to a given block (if `height ==
    /// Some(height)`).
    fn verify(&mut self, height: Option<Height>) -> Result<LightBlock, Error> {
        let primary = self.peers.primary_mut();

        // Perform light client core verification for the given height (or highest).
        let verdict = match height {
            None => primary.light_client.verify_to_highest(&mut primary.state),
            Some(height) => primary
                .verify_to_target(height, &mut primary.state),

        match verdict {
            // Verification succeeded, let's perform fork detection
            Ok(verified_block) => {
                let trusted_block = primary

                // Perform fork detection with the highest verified block and the trusted block.
                let outcome = self.detect_forks(&verified_block, &trusted_block)?;

                match outcome {
                    // There was a fork or a faulty peer
                    ForkDetection::Detected(forks) => {
                        let forked = self.process_forks(forks)?;
                        if !forked.is_empty() {
                            // Fork detected, exiting

                        // If there were no hard forks, perform verification again
                    ForkDetection::NotDetected => {
                        // We need to re-ask for the primary here as the compiler
                        // is not smart enough to realize that we do not mutate
                        // the `primary` field of `PeerList` between the initial
                        // borrow of the primary and here (can't blame it, it's
                        // not that obvious).

                        // No fork detected, exiting
            // Verification failed
            Err(err) => {
                // Swap primary, and continue with new primary, if there is any witness left.

    fn process_forks(&mut self, forks: Vec<Fork>) -> Result<Vec<PeerId>, Error> {
        let mut forked = Vec::with_capacity(forks.len());

        for fork in forks {
            match fork {
                // An actual fork was detected, report evidence and record forked peer.
                // TODO: also report to primary
                Fork::Forked { primary, witness } => {
                    let provider = witness.provider;
                    self.report_evidence(provider, &primary, &witness)?;

                // A witness has timed out, remove it from the peer list.
                Fork::Timeout(provider, _error) => {
                    // TODO: Log/record the error
                // A witness has been deemed faulty, remove it from the peer list.
                Fork::Faulty(block, _error) => {
                    // TODO: Log/record the error


    /// Report the given evidence of a fork.
    fn report_evidence(
        &mut self,
        provider: PeerId,
        primary: &LightBlock,
        witness: &LightBlock,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let evidence = ConflictingHeadersEvidence::new(

            .report(Evidence::ConflictingHeaders(Box::new(evidence)), provider)


    /// Perform fork detection with the given verified block and trusted block.
    fn detect_forks(
        verified_block: &LightBlock,
        trusted_block: &LightBlock,
    ) -> Result<ForkDetection, Error> {
        if self.peers.witnesses_ids().is_empty() {

        let witnesses = self
            .filter_map(|id| self.peers.get(id))

            .detect_forks(verified_block, &trusted_block, witnesses)

    /// Run the supervisor event loop in the same thread.
    /// This method should typically be called within a new thread with `std::thread::spawn`.
    pub fn run(mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        loop {
            let event = self.receiver.recv().map_err(ErrorKind::from)?;

            match event {
                HandleInput::LatestTrusted(sender) => {
                    let outcome = self.latest_trusted();
                HandleInput::Terminate(sender) => {
                    return Ok(());
                HandleInput::VerifyToTarget(height, sender) => {
                    let outcome = self.verify_to_target(height);
                HandleInput::VerifyToHighest(sender) => {
                    let outcome = self.verify_to_highest();
                HandleInput::GetStatus(sender) => {
                    let outcome = self.latest_status();

/// A [`Handle`] to the [`Supervisor`] which allows to communicate with
/// the supervisor across thread boundaries via message passing.
pub struct SupervisorHandle {
    sender: channel::Sender<HandleInput>,

impl SupervisorHandle {
    /// Crate a new handle that sends events to the supervisor via
    /// the given channel. For internal use only.
    fn new(sender: channel::Sender<HandleInput>) -> Self {
        Self { sender }

    fn verify(
        make_event: impl FnOnce(channel::Sender<Result<LightBlock, Error>>) -> HandleInput,
    ) -> Result<LightBlock, Error> {
        let (sender, receiver) = channel::bounded::<Result<LightBlock, Error>>(1);

        let event = make_event(sender);


impl Handle for SupervisorHandle {
    fn latest_trusted(&self) -> Result<Option<LightBlock>, Error> {
        let (sender, receiver) = channel::bounded::<Option<LightBlock>>(1);



    fn latest_status(&self) -> Result<LatestStatus, Error> {
        let (sender, receiver) = channel::bounded::<LatestStatus>(1);

    fn verify_to_highest(&self) -> Result<LightBlock, Error> {

    fn verify_to_target(&self, height: Height) -> Result<LightBlock, Error> {
        self.verify(|sender| HandleInput::VerifyToTarget(height, sender))

    fn terminate(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let (sender, receiver) = channel::bounded::<()>(1);

