temporal-sdk-core 0.1.0-alpha.1

Library for building new Temporal SDKs
use crate::protos::coresdk::workflow_activation::wf_activation_job::Variant;
use crate::protos::coresdk::PayloadsToPayloadError;
use crate::{
        activity_state_machine::new_activity, complete_workflow_state_machine::complete_workflow,
        fail_workflow_state_machine::fail_workflow, timer_state_machine::new_timer,
        workflow_task_state_machine::WorkflowTaskMachine, NewMachineWithCommand, ProtoCommand,
        TemporalStateMachine, WFCommand,
                wf_activation_job, StartWorkflow, UpdateRandomSeed, WfActivation,
            enums::v1::{CommandType, EventType},
            history::v1::{history_event, HistoryEvent},
    workflow::{DrivenWorkflow, WorkflowFetcher},
use slotmap::SlotMap;
use std::{
    borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut},
    collections::{hash_map::DefaultHasher, HashMap, VecDeque},
    hash::{Hash, Hasher},
use tracing::Level;

type Result<T, E = WFMachinesError> = std::result::Result<T, E>;

/// Handles all the logic for driving a workflow. It orchestrates many state machines that together
/// comprise the logic of an executing workflow. One instance will exist per currently executing
/// (or cached) workflow on the worker.
pub(crate) struct WorkflowMachines {
    /// The event id of the last wf task started event in the history which is expected to be
    /// [current_started_event_id] except during replay.
    workflow_task_started_event_id: i64,
    /// EventId of the last handled WorkflowTaskStarted event
    current_started_event_id: i64,
    /// The event id of the started event of the last successfully executed workflow task
    previous_started_event_id: i64,
    /// True if the workflow is replaying from history
    /// TODO: This seems wrong when I try to use it in contexts I expect it to return true, and
    ///   is currently unused, but some unimplemented state machines need it so kept for now.
    replaying: bool,
    /// Workflow identifier
    pub workflow_id: String,
    /// Identifies the current run
    pub run_id: String,
    /// The current workflow time if it has been established
    current_wf_time: Option<SystemTime>,

    all_machines: SlotMap<MachineKey, Box<dyn TemporalStateMachine + 'static>>,

    /// A mapping for accessing all the machines, where the key is the id of the initiating event
    /// for that machine.
    machines_by_event_id: HashMap<i64, MachineKey>,

    /// Maps command ids as created by workflow authors to their associated machines.
    id_to_machine: HashMap<CommandID, MachineKey>,

    /// Queued commands which have been produced by machines and await processing / being sent to
    /// the server.
    commands: VecDeque<CommandAndMachine>,
    /// Commands generated by the currently processing workflow task, which will eventually be
    /// transferred to `commands` (and hence eventually sent to the server)
    /// Old note: It is a queue as commands can be added (due to marker based commands) while
    /// iterating over already added commands.
    current_wf_task_commands: VecDeque<CommandAndMachine>,

    /// The workflow that is being driven by this instance of the machines
    drive_me: DrivenWorkflow,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
pub enum CommandID {

slotmap::new_key_type! { struct MachineKey; }
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::Display)]
#[display(fmt = "Cmd&Machine({})", "command")]
struct CommandAndMachine {
    command: ProtoCommand,
    machine: MachineKey,

/// Returned by [TemporalStateMachine]s when handling events
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From, derive_more::Display)]
pub enum MachineResponse {
    #[display(fmt = "PushWFJob")]
    PushWFJob(#[from(forward)] wf_activation_job::Variant),

    #[display(fmt = "TriggerWFTaskStarted")]
    TriggerWFTaskStarted {
        task_started_event_id: i64,
        time: SystemTime,
    #[display(fmt = "UpdateRunIdOnWorkflowReset({})", run_id)]
    UpdateRunIdOnWorkflowReset {
        run_id: String,

#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
// TODO: Some of these are redundant with MachineError -- we should try to dedupe / simplify
pub enum WFMachinesError {
    #[error("Event {0:?} was not expected: {1}")]
    UnexpectedEvent(HistoryEvent, &'static str),
    #[error("Event {0:?} was not expected: {1}")]
    InvalidTransitionDuringEvent(HistoryEvent, String),
    #[error("Event {0:?} was malformed: {1}")]
    MalformedEvent(HistoryEvent, String),
    // Expected to be transformed into a `MalformedEvent` with the full event by workflow machines,
    // when emitted by a sub-machine
    #[error("Command type {0:?} was not expected")]
    #[error("Command type {0} is not known")]
    #[error("No command was scheduled for event {0:?}")]
    #[error("Machine response {0:?} was not expected: {1}")]
    UnexpectedMachineResponse(MachineResponse, String),
    #[error("Command was missing its associated machine: {0}")]
    #[error("There was {0} when we expected exactly one payload while applying event: {1:?}")]
    NotExactlyOnePayload(PayloadsToPayloadError, HistoryEvent),

    #[error("Machine encountered an invalid transition: {0}")]
    InvalidTransition(&'static str),
    #[error("Invalid cancelation type: {0}")]

impl WorkflowMachines {
    pub(crate) fn new(workflow_id: String, run_id: String, driven_wf: DrivenWorkflow) -> Self {
        Self {
            drive_me: driven_wf,
            // In an ideal world one could say ..Default::default() here and it'd still work.
            workflow_task_started_event_id: 0,
            current_started_event_id: 0,
            previous_started_event_id: 0,
            replaying: false,
            current_wf_time: None,
            all_machines: Default::default(),
            machines_by_event_id: Default::default(),
            id_to_machine: Default::default(),
            commands: Default::default(),
            current_wf_task_commands: Default::default(),

    /// Returns the id of the last seen WorkflowTaskStarted event
    pub(crate) fn get_last_started_event_id(&self) -> i64 {

    /// Handle a single event from the workflow history. `has_next_event` should be false if `event`
    /// is the last event in the history.
    /// TODO: Describe what actually happens in here
    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self), fields(run_id = % self.run_id))]
    pub(crate) fn handle_event(
        &mut self,
        event: &HistoryEvent,
        has_next_event: bool,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        if event.is_command_event() {
            return Ok(());
        let event_type = EventType::from_i32(event.event_type).ok_or_else(|| {
            WFMachinesError::UnexpectedEvent(event.clone(), "The event type is unknown")

        if self.replaying
            && self.current_started_event_id >= self.previous_started_event_id
            && event_type != EventType::WorkflowTaskCompleted
            // Replay is finished
            self.replaying = false;

        match event.get_initial_command_event_id() {
            Some(initial_cmd_id) => {
                // We remove the machine while we it handles events, then return it, to avoid
                // borrowing from ourself mutably.
                let maybe_machine = self.machines_by_event_id.remove(&initial_cmd_id);
                if let Some(sm) = maybe_machine {
                    self.submachine_handle_event(sm, event, has_next_event)?;
                } else {
                        "During event handling, this event had an initial command ID but we could \
                        not find a matching state machine!"

                // Restore machine if not in it's final state
                if let Some(sm) = maybe_machine {
                    if !self.machine(sm).is_final_state() {
                        self.machines_by_event_id.insert(initial_cmd_id, sm);
            None => self.handle_non_stateful_event(event, has_next_event)?,


    /// Called when we want to run the event loop because a workflow task started event has
    /// triggered
    pub(super) fn task_started(
        &mut self,
        task_started_event_id: i64,
        time: SystemTime,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let s = span!(Level::DEBUG, "Task started trigger");
        let _enter = s.enter();

        // TODO: Seems to only matter for version machine. Figure out then.
        // // If some new commands are pending and there are no more command events.
        // for (CancellableCommand cancellableCommand : commands) {
        //     if (cancellableCommand == null) {
        //         break;
        //     }
        //     cancellableCommand.handleWorkflowTaskStarted();
        // }

        // TODO: Local activity machines
        // // Give local activities a chance to recreate their requests if they were lost due
        // // to the last workflow task failure. The loss could happen only the last workflow task
        // // was forcibly created by setting forceCreate on RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest.
        // if (nonProcessedWorkflowTask) {
        //     for (LocalActivityStateMachine value : localActivityMap.values()) {
        //         value.nonReplayWorkflowTaskStarted();
        //     }
        // }

        self.current_started_event_id = task_started_event_id;
        // TODO: Ideally this would actually be called every time a command is pushed from a
        //  workflow that isn't going across the public api, but as it stands that isn't really
        //  doable, so this has to exist here for test workflow driver

    /// A command event is an event which is generated from a command emitted as a result of
    /// performing a workflow task. Each command has a corresponding event. For example
    /// ScheduleActivityTaskCommand is recorded to the history as ActivityTaskScheduledEvent.
    /// Command events always follow WorkflowTaskCompletedEvent.
    /// The handling consists of verifying that the next command in the commands queue is associated
    /// with a state machine, which is then notified about the event and the command is removed from
    /// the commands queue.
    fn handle_command_event(&mut self, event: &HistoryEvent) -> Result<()> {
        // TODO: Local activity handling stuff
        //     if (handleLocalActivityMarker(event)) {
        //       return;
        //     }
        debug!(current_commands = ?self.commands, "handling command event");

        let consumed_cmd = loop {
            // handleVersionMarker can skip a marker event if the getVersion call was removed.
            // In this case we don't want to consume a command. -- we will need to replace it back
            // to the front when implementing, or something better
            let maybe_command = self.commands.pop_front();
            let command = if let Some(c) = maybe_command {
            } else {
                return Err(WFMachinesError::NoCommandScheduledForEvent(event.clone()));

            // Feed the machine the event
            let mut break_later = false;
            let canceled_before_sent = self

            if !canceled_before_sent {
                self.submachine_handle_event(command.machine, event, true)?;

            // TODO:
            //  * More special handling for version machine - see java
            //  * Commands cancelled this iteration are allowed to not match the event?

            if !canceled_before_sent {
                break_later = true;

            if break_later {
                break command;

        // TODO: validate command

        if !self.machine(consumed_cmd.machine).is_final_state() {
                .insert(event.event_id, consumed_cmd.machine);


    fn handle_non_stateful_event(
        &mut self,
        event: &HistoryEvent,
        has_next_event: bool,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        match EventType::from_i32(event.event_type) {
            Some(EventType::WorkflowExecutionStarted) => {
                if let Some(history_event::Attributes::WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes(
                )) = &event.attributes
                    self.run_id = attrs.original_execution_run_id.clone();
                    // We need to notify the lang sdk that it's time to kick off a workflow
                        StartWorkflow {
                            workflow_type: attrs
                                .map(|wt| wt.name.clone())
                            workflow_id: self.workflow_id.clone(),
                            arguments: Vec::from_payloads(attrs.input.clone()),
                            randomness_seed: str_to_randomness_seed(
                } else {
                    return Err(WFMachinesError::MalformedEvent(
                        "WorkflowExecutionStarted event did not have appropriate attributes"
            Some(EventType::WorkflowTaskScheduled) => {
                let wf_task_sm = WorkflowTaskMachine::new(self.workflow_task_started_event_id);
                let key = self.all_machines.insert(Box::new(wf_task_sm));
                self.submachine_handle_event(key, event, has_next_event)?;
                self.machines_by_event_id.insert(event.event_id, key);
            Some(EventType::WorkflowExecutionSignaled) => {
                if let Some(history_event::Attributes::WorkflowExecutionSignaledEventAttributes(
                )) = &event.attributes
                } else {
                    // err
            Some(EventType::WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested) => {
                // TODO: Cancel callbacks
            _ => {
                return Err(WFMachinesError::UnexpectedEvent(
                    "The event is non a non-stateful event, but we tried to handle it as one",

    /// Fetches commands which are ready for processing from the state machines, generally to be
    /// sent off to the server. They are not removed from the internal queue, that happens when
    /// corresponding history events from the server are being handled.
    pub(crate) fn get_commands(&mut self) -> Vec<ProtoCommand> {
            .filter_map(|c| {
                if !self.machine(c.machine).is_final_state() {
                } else {

    /// Returns the next activation that needs to be performed by the lang sdk. Things like unblock
    /// timer, etc. This does *not* cause any advancement of the state machines, it merely drains
    /// from the outgoing queue of activation jobs.
    /// Importantly, the returned activation will have an empty task token. A meaningful one is
    /// expected to be attached by something higher in the call stack.
    pub(crate) fn get_wf_activation(&mut self) -> Option<WfActivation> {
        let jobs = self.drive_me.drain_jobs();
        if jobs.is_empty() {
        } else {
            Some(WfActivation {
                timestamp: self.current_wf_time.map(Into::into),
                run_id: self.run_id.clone(),
                task_token: vec![],

    /// Given an event id (possibly zero) of the last successfully executed workflow task and an
    /// id of the last event, sets the ids internally and appropriately sets the replaying flag.
    pub(crate) fn set_started_ids(
        &mut self,
        previous_started_event_id: i64,
        workflow_task_started_event_id: i64,
    ) {
        self.previous_started_event_id = previous_started_event_id;
        self.workflow_task_started_event_id = workflow_task_started_event_id;
        self.replaying = previous_started_event_id > 0;

    fn set_current_time(&mut self, time: SystemTime) -> SystemTime {
        if self.current_wf_time.map(|t| t < time).unwrap_or(true) {
            self.current_wf_time = Some(time);
            .expect("We have just ensured this is populated")

    /// Iterate the state machines, which consists of grabbing any pending outgoing commands from
    /// the workflow, handling them, and preparing them to be sent off to the server.
    /// Returns a boolean flag which indicates whether or not new activations were produced by the state
    /// machine. If true, pending activation should be created by the caller making jobs available to the lang side.
    pub(crate) fn iterate_machines(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
        let results = self.drive_me.fetch_workflow_iteration_output();
        let jobs = self.handle_driven_results(results)?;
        let has_new_lang_jobs = !jobs.is_empty();
        for job in jobs.into_iter() {

    /// Apply events from history to this machines instance
    pub(crate) fn apply_history_events(&mut self, history_info: &HistoryInfo) -> Result<()> {
        let (_, events) = history_info
            .split_at(self.get_last_started_event_id() as usize);
        let mut history = events.iter().peekable();


        // HistoryInfo's constructor enforces some rules about the structure of history that
        // could be enforced here, but needn't be because they have already been guaranteed by it.
        // See the errors that can be returned from [HistoryInfo::new_from_events] for detail.

        while let Some(event) = history.next() {
            let next_event = history.peek();

            if event.event_type == EventType::WorkflowTaskStarted as i32 && next_event.is_none() {
                self.handle_event(event, false)?;
                return Ok(());

            self.handle_event(event, next_event.is_some())?;

            if next_event.is_none() {
                if event.is_final_wf_execution_event() {
                    return Ok(());


    /// Wrapper for calling [TemporalStateMachine::handle_event] which appropriately takes action
    /// on the returned machine responses
    fn submachine_handle_event(
        &mut self,
        sm: MachineKey,
        event: &HistoryEvent,
        has_next_event: bool,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let sm = self.all_machines.get_mut(sm).expect("Machine must exist");
        let machine_responses = sm.handle_event(event, has_next_event).map_err(|e| {
            if let WFMachinesError::MalformedEventDetail(s) = e {
                WFMachinesError::MalformedEvent(event.clone(), s)
            } else {
        if !machine_responses.is_empty() {
            debug!(responses = %machine_responses.display(),
                   "Machine produced responses");
        for response in machine_responses {
            match response {
                MachineResponse::PushWFJob(a) => {
                MachineResponse::TriggerWFTaskStarted {
                } => {
                    self.task_started(task_started_event_id, time)?;
                MachineResponse::UpdateRunIdOnWorkflowReset { run_id: new_run_id } => {
                    // TODO: Should this also update self.run_id? Should we track orig/current
                    //   separately?
                            UpdateRandomSeed {
                                randomness_seed: str_to_randomness_seed(&new_run_id),
                MachineResponse::IssueNewCommand(_) => {
                    panic!("Issue new command machine response not expected here")

    /// Handles results of the workflow activation, delegating work to the appropriate state machine.
    /// Returns a list of workflow jobs that should be queued in the pending activation for the next poll.
    /// This list will be populated only if state machine produced lang activations as part of command processing.
    /// For example some types of activity cancellation need to immediately unblock lang side without
    /// having it to poll for an actual workflow task from the server.
    fn handle_driven_results(
        &mut self,
        results: Vec<WFCommand>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<wf_activation_job::Variant>> {
        let mut jobs = vec![];
        for cmd in results {
            match cmd {
                WFCommand::AddTimer(attrs) => {
                    let tid = attrs.timer_id.clone();
                    let timer = self.add_new_machine(new_timer(attrs));
                        .insert(CommandID::Timer(tid), timer.machine);
                WFCommand::CancelTimer(attrs) => self.process_cancellation(
                    &mut jobs,
                WFCommand::AddActivity(attrs) => {
                    let aid = attrs.activity_id.clone();
                    let activity = self.add_new_machine(new_activity(attrs));
                        .insert(CommandID::Activity(aid), activity.machine);
                WFCommand::RequestCancelActivity(attrs) => self.process_cancellation(
                    &mut jobs,
                WFCommand::CompleteWorkflow(attrs) => {
                    let cwfm = self.add_new_machine(complete_workflow(attrs));
                WFCommand::FailWorkflow(attrs) => {
                    let cwfm = self.add_new_machine(fail_workflow(attrs));
                WFCommand::NoCommandsFromLang => (),

    fn process_cancellation(&mut self, id: &CommandID, jobs: &mut Vec<Variant>) -> Result<()> {
        let m_key = self.get_machine_key(id)?;
        let res = self.machine_mut(m_key).cancel()?;
        debug!(machine_responses = ?res, cmd_id = ?id, "Req cancel responses");
        for r in res {
            match r {
                MachineResponse::IssueNewCommand(c) => {
                    self.current_wf_task_commands.push_back(CommandAndMachine {
                        command: c,
                        machine: m_key,
                MachineResponse::PushWFJob(j) => {
                v => {
                    return Err(WFMachinesError::UnexpectedMachineResponse(
                        format!("When cancelling {:?}", id),

    fn get_machine_key(&mut self, id: &CommandID) -> Result<MachineKey> {
        Ok(*self.id_to_machine.get(id).ok_or_else(|| {
                "Missing associated machine for {:?}",

    /// Transfer commands from `current_wf_task_commands` to `commands`, so they may be sent off
    /// to the server. While doing so, [TemporalStateMachine::handle_command] is called on the
    /// machine associated with the command.
    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
    fn prepare_commands(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        while let Some(c) = self.current_wf_task_commands.pop_front() {
            let cmd_type = CommandType::from_i32(c.command.command_type)
            if !self
        debug!(commands = %self.commands.display(), "prepared commands");

    fn add_new_machine<T: TemporalStateMachine + 'static>(
        &mut self,
        machine: NewMachineWithCommand<T>,
    ) -> CommandAndMachine {
        let k = self.all_machines.insert(Box::new(machine.machine));
        CommandAndMachine {
            command: machine.command,
            machine: k,

    fn machine(&self, m: MachineKey) -> &dyn TemporalStateMachine {
            .expect("Machine must exist")

    fn machine_mut(&mut self, m: MachineKey) -> &mut (dyn TemporalStateMachine + 'static) {
            .expect("Machine must exist")

fn str_to_randomness_seed(run_id: &str) -> u64 {
    let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
    run_id.hash(&mut s);