Expand description

Syntax for temply templates.

Use Template Fields and Methods

Inside the template self can be accessed. Additionally, all fields can be accessed directly by name if Self is a named struct.

use temply::Template;

#[derive(Debug, Template)]
#[template_inline = "{{ x }} + 5 = {{ self.add(5) }}"]
struct MyTemplate { x: i32 }

impl MyTemplate {
    fn add(&self, y: i32) -> i32 { self.x + y }

Whitespace Control

By default, all whitespaces in the template code are preserved, except at the beginning and end of blocks, where whitespace control is currently unspecified and subject to change.


An expression is any valid Rust expression that implements Display and is delimited by {{ and }}. Alternatively to Display another format parameter can be used with @<PARAM>.

{{ x }}
{{ x + 2 }}
{{ true }}
{{ Some(12)@{:?} }}


A let block is any valid Rust let statement delimited by {% and %}. Shadowing is allowed. The semicolon at the end is optional.

{% let x = 12; %}
{% let mut y = 3 + 7 %}
{% let (x, mut z) = (10, 1) %}


A scope block is equivalent to a Rust block expression and can be used to limit the scope of a let block. It starts with {% scope %} and ends with {% endscope %}.

{% scope %}
    {% let x = 12; %}
    {{ x }}
{% endscope %}


A for block is equivalent to a Rust for loop. It starts with {% for <PAT> in <EXPR> %} and ends with {% endfor %}. Additionally, an optional {% else %} can be inserted. The else block is executed when the for loop runs for zero iterations.

{% for i in (0..3).rev() %}
    {{ i }},
{% else %}
{% endfor %}


The if block is equivalent to a Rust if statement. It starts with {% if <EXPR> %} and ends with {% endif %}. Additionally, any number of {% else if <EXPR> %} and an optional {% else %} can be inserted.

{% let x = 42 %}
{% if x == 1 %}
    x is equal to 1
{% else if x == 2 %}
    x is equal to 2
{% else %}
    x is equal to {{ x }}
{% endif %}


A match block is equivalent to a Rust match statement. It starts with {% match <EXPR> %} and ends with {% endmatch %}. Each match arm is specified by a where block: {% where <PAT> <GUARD>? %} ... {% endwhere %}.

{% match Some(12) %}
    {% where Some(x) if x > 42 %}
        {{x}} is greater than 42
    {% endwhere %}
    {% where Some(x) %}
        {{x}} is not greater than 42
    {% endwhere %}
    {% where _ %}
        There is no value
    {% endwhere %}
{% endmatch %}

Macro and Call

A macro block is roughly equivalent to a Rust closure. It starts with {% macro <NAME> |<PARAMS>| %} and ends with {% endmacro %}. The name has to be a valid Rust identifier. Macros can only be called after they have been declared. Macros can call themselves recursively.

The call block can be used to call a macro. The syntax is {% call <NAME> (<ARGS>) %}.

{% macro fact |x| %}
    {% if x == 0 %}
    {% else %}
        {{ x }} * {% call fact(x - 1) %}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% call fact(5) %}


A comment is any text delimited by {# and #}. Comments may be nested. Comments must always be closed.

{# My comment #}
{# My {# nested #} comment #}