templito 0.1.0

A template language library that allows multiple parameters to pass between templates


The Back end Templating language behind the Siter - a static website generator.

What makes templito different

Templito templates largely resemble those of handlebars and Go templates, but they have a few standout features.

  • Language
    • Multiple parameters to templates
    • Functions can be run on the result of a block
    • Whitespace can be escaped
  • Rust
    • Template functions can be closures, so they can have data attached to the functions.
    • Template and Function Managers are separate from the template and can be switched in and out generically.


Basic structure of a template

{{let title = "Page"}}\
<h1>{{first $title "Default Title"}}</h1>
{{if $0.cat}}\
    {{for k v in $0.cat}}\
        <p>{{$k}} = {{$v}}</p>

Using Blocks


Everthing inside an '@md' block will be treated as markdown.
(Assuming the md function is included by the FuncManager)

Even ranges like this:

{{for k v in $0.items}}
* {{$v}}


In fact any string to string function can be used as an "@block"

But they are more powerful than that.

{{@let lines}}
{{for k v in split $lines}}

will output:


Depending on the security situation, you can opt in or out to allowing "exec" functions. ("exec" is not included in the defaults)

{{for k v in split (exec "cat" "path/to/file") "\n"}}
    <p>{{$k}} = {{$v}}</p>