temp_testdir 0.2.3

Little crate to use temp directory in crate. You can chose if delete it after use or not to debugging purpose.

Working with temporary directories in Rust test

A zero dependencies crate to deal with temporary directories in tests. To use it add

temp_testdir = "0.2"

How to use

fn should_delete_temp_dir() {
    let temp = TempDir::default();
    // You can use `temp` as a `Path`

    let mut file_path = PathBuf::from(temp.as_ref());

    let mut f = File::create(file_path.clone()).unwrap();

    f.write_all("Hello World!".as_bytes());


    // Temp dir will be deleted at the end of the test

If you need to not delete the dir when test is done you can use

let temp = TempDir::default().permanent();

Where the dirs are

All dirs will be in your system standard temp dir follow by rstest.<nr> where nr is the lowest integer that can be used to crate it.

You can change this behaviour by two envirorment variables:

  • RSTEST_TEMP_DIR_ROOT: root of all temp dir (default system temp dir)
  • RSTEST_TEMP_DIR_ROOT_NAME: prefix dir name (default system rstest)


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