pub trait Request: HasPayload + IntoFuture<Output = Result<<Self::Payload as Payload>::Output, Self::Err>, IntoFuture = Self::Send> {
    type Err: Error + Send;
    type Send: Future<Output = Result<<Self::Payload as Payload>::Output, Self::Err>> + Send;
    type SendRef: Future<Output = Result<<Self::Payload as Payload>::Output, Self::Err>> + Send;

    // Required methods
    fn send(self) -> Self::Send;
    fn send_ref(&self) -> Self::SendRef;

    // Provided method
    fn erase<'a>(self) -> ErasedRequest<'a, Self::Payload, Self::Err> 
       where Self: Sized + 'a { ... }
Expand description

A ready-to-send Telegram request.

Implementation notes

It is not recommended to do any kind of work in send or send_ref. Instead it’s recommended to do all the (possible) stuff in the returned future. In other words — keep it lazy.

This is crucial for request wrappers which may want to cancel and/or never send the underlying request. E.g.: Throttle<B>’s send_ref calls B::send_ref while not meaning to really send the request at the moment.

Required Associated Types§


type Err: Error + Send

The type of an error that may happen while sending a request to Telegram.


type Send: Future<Output = Result<<Self::Payload as Payload>::Output, Self::Err>> + Send

The type of the future returned by the send method.


type SendRef: Future<Output = Result<<Self::Payload as Payload>::Output, Self::Err>> + Send

A type of the future returned by the send_ref method.

Required Methods§


fn send(self) -> Self::Send

Send this request.

use teloxide_core::{
    requests::{JsonRequest, Request},

let bot = Bot::new("TOKEN");

// Note: it's recommended to `Requester` instead of creating requests directly
let method = GetMe::new();
let request = JsonRequest::new(bot, method);
let request_clone = request.clone();
let _: Me = request.send().await.unwrap();

// You can also just await requests, without calling `send`:
let _: Me = request_clone.await.unwrap();

fn send_ref(&self) -> Self::SendRef

Send this request by reference.

This method is analogous to send, but it doesn’t take the ownership of self. This allows to send the same (or slightly different) requests over and over.

Also, it is expected that calling this method is better than just cloning requests. (Because instead of copying all the data and then serializing it, this method should just serialize the data.)

use teloxide_core::{prelude::*, requests::Request, types::ChatId, Bot};

let bot = Bot::new("TOKEN");

let mut req = bot.send_message(ChatId(0xAAAAAAAA), "Hi there!");
for chat_id in chat_ids {
    req.chat_id = chat_id;

Provided Methods§


fn erase<'a>(self) -> ErasedRequest<'a, Self::Payload, Self::Err> where Self: Sized + 'a,

Available on crate feature erased only.



impl<'a, T, E> Request for ErasedRequest<'a, T, E>where T: Payload, E: Error + Send,


type Err = E


type Send = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<<<ErasedRequest<'a, T, E> as HasPayload>::Payload as Payload>::Output, <ErasedRequest<'a, T, E> as Request>::Err>> + Send + 'a, Global>>


type SendRef = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<<<ErasedRequest<'a, T, E> as HasPayload>::Payload as Payload>::Output, <ErasedRequest<'a, T, E> as Request>::Err>> + Send + 'a, Global>>


impl<P> Request for JsonRequest<P>where P: 'static + Payload + Serialize, <P as Payload>::Output: DeserializeOwned,


type Err = RequestError


type Send = Send<P>


type SendRef = SendRef<P>


impl<P> Request for MultipartRequest<P>where P: 'static + Payload + MultipartPayload + Serialize, <P as Payload>::Output: DeserializeOwned,


type Err = RequestError


type Send = Send<P>


type SendRef = SendRef<P>


impl<R> Request for AutoRequest<R>where R: Request,


type Err = <R as Request>::Err


type Send = <R as Request>::Send


type SendRef = <R as Request>::SendRef


impl<R> Request for CachedMeRequest<R>where R: Request<Payload = GetMe>,


type Err = <R as Request>::Err


type Send = Send<R>


type SendRef = SendRef<R>


impl<R> Request for ThrottlingRequest<R>where R: Request + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <R as Request>::Err: AsResponseParameters + Send, <<R as HasPayload>::Payload as Payload>::Output: Send,


type Err = <R as Request>::Err


type Send = ThrottlingSend<R>


type SendRef = ThrottlingSend<R>


impl<R> Request for TraceRequest<R>where R: Request, <<R as HasPayload>::Payload as Payload>::Output: Debug, <R as Request>::Err: Debug, <R as HasPayload>::Payload: Debug,


type Err = <R as Request>::Err


type Send = Send<<R as Request>::Send>


type SendRef = Send<<R as Request>::SendRef>