telexide-fork 0.2.1

(working) Fork of Telexide: An async Rust library for the telegram bot API
//! Telexide is a rust library for the telegram API
//! View the [examples] to see practical examples of how to use the library.
//! Use the [`ClientBuilder`] to easily create a [`Client`] object to your
//! preferences and register commands with the [`create_framework`] macro and/or
//! register your own update handlers, before running [`Client::start`] to start
//! your bot. All of this is designed to be highly customisable. For further
//! information about the client, please see the [client's module-level
//! documentation][client].
//! API calls are easy to make using the [`APIClient`] and the api data models,
//! or create and use your own api client by implementing the [`API`] trait. For
//! further information about the api client, please see the [api's module-level
//! documentation][api].
//! A default command framework is provided using the [`Framework`] object,
//! providing easy handling of incoming [telegram bot commands][tg_commands]
//! sent by users of your bot. For further information about the framework,
//! please see the [framework's module-level documentation][framework].
//! Telegram also has their own [API docs for bots][tg docs]. Although this
//! documentation will try to be as accurate as possible, if you need to be
//! sure, refer to their docs.
//! # Resources
//!  - [Examples][examples]
//!  - [Github Repository]
//!  - []
//! # Installation
//! Add the following to your `Cargo.toml` file:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! telexide = "0.1"
//! ```
//! [examples]:
//! [Github Repository]:
//! []:
//! [tg docs]:
//! [client]: client/index.html
//! [`ClientBuilder`]: client/struct.ClientBuilder.html
//! [`Client`]: client/struct.Client.html
//! [`Client::start`]: client/struct.Client.html#method.start
//! [`APIClient`]: api/struct.APIClient.html
//! [`API`]: api/trait.API.html
//! [api]: api/index.html
//! [tg_commands]:
//! [`Framework`]: framework/struct.Framework.html
//! [framework]: framework/index.html


pub mod api;
pub mod client;
pub mod framework;
pub mod model;
mod utils;

/// Macros for using the framework and helping with adding listeners
pub mod macros {
    pub use super::create_framework;
    pub use telexide_fork_proc_macros::{command, prepare_listener};

pub use client::Client;
pub use utils::result::{Error, Result};

pub mod prelude {
    //! A default set of exports which can be helpful to use.
    //! note that [`TelexideError`] is a re-export of [`telexide_fork::Error`] under
    //! a different name to remove likely ambiguity with other crate error
    //! enums.
    //! ## Examples
    //! Import all of the exports:
    //! ```rust
    //! use telexide_fork::prelude::*;
    //! ```
    //! [`telexide_fork::Error`]: ../enum.Error.html
    //! [`TelexideError`]: ../enum.Error.html

    pub use super::{
        client::{Client, ClientBuilder, Context},
        model::{Message, Update},
        Error as TelexideError,
    pub use telexide_fork_proc_macros::{command, prepare_listener};

pub use paste::expr as paste_expr;