telegram_notifyrs 0.1.3

Easily send single telegram messages!
version: 2

    resource_class: small
      # The image used to build our project, build
      # your own using the Dockerfile provided below
      # and replace here. I put my own image here for
      # the example.
      - image: circleci/rust
      TZ: "/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago"
      - checkout
      - restore_cache:
          key: project-cache
#      - run:
#          name: Update Rust
#          command: |
#            rustup self update
#            rustup update
      - run:
          name: Check formatting
          command: |
            rustfmt --version
            cargo fmt -- --check
      - run:
          name: Nightly Build
          command: |
            rustup toolchain install nightly
            rustup run nightly rustc --version --verbose
            rustup run nightly cargo --version --verbose
            rustup run nightly cargo build
      - run:
          name: Stable Build
          command: |
            rustup toolchain install stable
            rustup run stable rustc --version --verbose
            rustup run stable cargo --version --verbose
            rustup run stable cargo build
#      - run:
#          name: Test
#          command: rustup run stable cargo test