telegram-client 0.8.1

Telegram client

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Telegram client for rust.

This crate use [td]( to call telegram client api. support async api.

## Usage

telegram-client = "1.8.*"

## version

Please read: [version](./

## Note

Note that you need [tdjson]( dylib file in your path for building and running your application. See also [rtdlib-sys]( for more details.

## Examples

### block

fn main() {
  let api = Api::default();
  let mut client = Client::new(api.clone());
  let listener = client.listener();

  listener.on_receive(|(api, json)| {
    debug!("receive {}", json);


### async

async fn main() {
  let api = Api::rasync();

  let mut client = Client::new(api.api().clone());
  let listener = client.listener();

  // listener.on_update_authorization_state...


  let chat = api.get_chat(GetChat::builder().chat_id(1)).await;
  println!("{:#?}", chat);

### more

more [examples](./examples)

## Event

Most of the events are from td, two events of particular concern.

### on_receive

This event is receive everything from td, returned data type is a json string.

### on_exception

When td returned json can not deserialize, or your event handler returned error. will be call is event.

a sample of event handler returned error

listener.on_proxy(|(api, pxy)| {
debug!("Proxy info => {:?}", pxy);
Err(TGError::new("some error"))