telegraf 0.1.1

Minimal rust wrapper for the telegraf/influxdb protocol

Minimal wrapper library for general metrics writing using telegraf. Telegraf is a micro service provided by InfluxData for making metrics reporting easy for multiple services - see their docs for more information.


Using this library assumes you have a socket listener input setup in your telegraf config, like so (currently only tcp is supported, but udp and unix are planned):

  service_address = "tcp://localhost:8094"

Example usage:

use telegraf::{Client, Point};

let c = Client::new("tcp://localhost:8094").unwrap();

let p = Point::new(
        (String::from("tag1"), String::from("tag1value"))
        (String::from("field1"), Box::new(10)),
        (String::from("field2"), Box::new(20.5)),
        (String::from("field3"), Box::new("anything!"))


The second value in the field tuples can be any type that implements the protocol::IntoFieldData trait provided by this lib. Out of the box support is provided for String, &str, f32, and i32. You can always implement this trait on your own custom types or types I forgot!

pub trait IntoFieldData {
    fn into_field_data(&self) -> FieldData;