tees 0.1.1

An adapter for readers which delegate reads to a writer
# Tees

This is a fork of the `tee` library to support `Seek`.
It implements `Seek` by calling the corresponding `Seek` on both input and the branched output.
Note that seek calls on the branched output are always absolute,
i.e. all calls are converted into `SeekFrom::Start` calls based on the `reader.seek()` return value.

The following are description taken from the original repo.


A rustlang adapter for readers which delegate read bytes to a writer, adapted from the standard library's `std::io::Read#tee` which has since been deprecated.

## install

Add the following to your `Cargo.toml` file

tees = "0.1.1"

## examples
let tee_reader = tee::TeeReader::new(reader, writer);

Doug Tangren (softprops) 2015