teensy4-bsp 0.4.8

Rust-based BSP for the Teensy 4. Part of the teensy4-rs project.
//! Demonstrates a panic handler that can log the panic message.
//! Note: this example requires that the teensy4-panic crate's `log`
//! feature is enabled. Otherwise, there will be no log message written
//! over USB. The teensy4-panic crate's `log` feature is enabled for
//! all BSP examples.


use bsp::board;
use teensy4_bsp as bsp;
use teensy4_panic as _;

use cortex_m::{delay::Delay, peripheral::syst::SystClkSource};

const DELAY_MS: u32 = 5_000;

fn main() -> ! {
    let syst = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap().SYST;
    let mut delay = Delay::with_source(syst, bsp::EXT_SYSTICK_HZ, SystClkSource::External);

    let board::Resources { usb, .. } = board::t40(board::instances());

    panic!("This is a panic message written after {DELAY_MS}ms");