teensy3-sys 0.2.0

Servo Bindgen generated bindings, and Teensyduino ASM/C/CPP/Linker components
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, non_snake_case, non_upper_case_globals)]

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/bindings.rs"));

/// Copied from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/libstd/os/raw.rs
pub mod c_types {
    // Unconditional
    pub type c_schar = u8;
    pub type c_uchar = u8;
    pub type c_short = i16;
    pub type c_ushort = u16;
    pub type c_int = i32;
    pub type c_uint = u32;
    pub type c_longlong = i64;
    pub type c_ulonglong = u64;
    #[repr(u8)] pub enum c_void {
        #[doc(hidden)] __variant1,
        #[doc(hidden)] __variant2,

    // Non-Windows
    pub type c_long = i32;
    pub type c_ulong = u32;

    // Unsure about this oneā€¦
    // In doubt, align with cfg(all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "arm"))
    pub type c_char = u8;