teehistorian 0.3.2

Teehistorian parser for DDNet

Teehistorian parser

This is a Teehistorian parser, a data format for DDNet servers saving all input to reproduce it faithfully.


Look into the teehistorian.h from the release page or into the examples for a usage overview.

Using cargo-c to build c/c++ static and dynamic libraries. You can install it using cargo install cargo-c.

The library can be compiled using

cargo cbuild

Running the C example

cp target/release/libteehistorian.so examples-c/
cd examples-c/
gcc -L. -l:libteehistorian.so print-all.c -o print-all.out
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:. ./print-all.out ../tests/minimal.teehistorian

