tectonic_xetex_layout 0.2.0

XeTeX's font loading and layout interface encapsulation, as a crate.

The tectonic_xetex_layout crate

This crate is part of the Tectonic project. It provides the font loading and layout routines of XeTeX as a crate, currently providing only a C API.

If your project depends on this crate, Cargo will export for your build script an environment variable named DEP_TECTONIC_XETEX_LAYOUT_INCLUDE_PATH, which will be a semicolon-separated list of directories enabling your code to include the tectonic_xetex_layout.h header.

You will need to ensure that your Rust code actually references this crate in order for the linker to include linked libraries. A use statement will suffice:

use tectonic_xetex_layout;

Cargo features

This crate provides the following Cargo features:

  • external-harfbuzz: activates the same-named feature in the tectonic_bridge_harfbuzz dependency.