tectonic_bundles 0.3.1

Tectonic "bundle" (support file collection) implementations.
# tectonic_bundles 0.3.1 (2023-05-18)

- Bump the `zip` dependency to the 0.6 series (#1038, @CraftSpider)
- Tidy up formatting and recent Clippy warnings

# tectonic_bundles 0.3.0 (2022-04-26)

This minor bump contains a breaking change!

- The default bundle URL is now parametrized with the "format version", which
  captures the internal capabilities of the XeTeX engine. Since the bundle and
  the engine are fairly tightly coupled, this allows us to provide bundles that
  track the capabilities of newer engine versions, while preserving the behavior
  of older engine versions. Anyway, instead of exporting a `FALLBACK_BUNDLE_URL`
  const, we now export a `get_fallback_bundle_url()` method that takes the
  format version as an argument. This argument should be the value of
  `tectonic_engine_xetex::FORMAT_SERIAL` if you have a module that actually
  links to the XeTeX engine.
- Make the cache location customizable with the environment variable
  `TECTONIC_CACHE_DIR` (#880, #884, @wischi-chr).
- Fix "fetching" of zero-size files to succeed without attempting any I/O (#888,

# tectonic_bundles 0.2.0 (2021-10-11)

This release contains a major configuration change, updating the URL of the
default bundle to refer to a new, dedicated web service rather than using
`archive.org` (#833, @pkgw). The new default URL is:


This switch was motivated by the recent breakage caused by a change in
archive.org's internal implementation, even though that breakage has been fixed
in the most recent release of the `tectonic_geturl` crate. The `archive.org`
redirection service has always had low-level reliability issues and, more
importantly, is blocked in China, which is a fatal issue for a potentially large
number of users.

The new webservice is a very simple nginx server set up in a Docker container
defined in the [tectonic-relay-service] repo. The associated web infrastructure
runs on Microsoft Azure and is configured using Terraform files in the
[tectonic-cloud-infra] repo.

[tectonic-relay-service]: https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic-relay-service
[tectonic-cloud-infra]: https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic-cloud-infra

@pkgw owns the `fullyjustified.net` domain name and the Azure subscription into
which the services are deployed.

# tectonic_bundles 0.1.0 (2021-06-15)

Add the `tectonic_bundles` crate! This separates out the implementation of the
various Tectonic file “bundles” into a standalone crate, so that you can use
them without having to link to harfbuzz and everything else pulled in by the
main crate.

As usual, separating out this crate led to some good API clarifications and
improvements. The API offered here includes some nontrivial breakage compared to
the old APIs in `tectonic::io::*`, but it's much more rationalized.