tectonic_bridge_harfbuzz 0.2.9

Expose the Harfbuzz C/C++ APIs to Rust/Cargo.
// Copyright 2020-2023 the Tectonic Project
// Licensed under the MIT License.

//! Harfbuzz build script.

#[cfg(feature = "external-harfbuzz")]
mod inner {
    use tectonic_dep_support::{Configuration, Dependency, Spec};

    struct HarfbuzzSpec;

    impl Spec for HarfbuzzSpec {
        // We require Harfbuzz >= 1.4, but that version is ancient, and
        // specifying the version constraint in this string causes problems with
        // the `pkgconf` implementation of pkg-config on Windows/MSYS2.
        // (Specifically, its `--modversion` mode won't print anything out when
        // given two arguments, causing an unhandled crash inside the pkg_config
        // Rust library.) Likewise, for Harfbuzz < 2.5, the `harfbuzz-icu`
        // pkg-config item is needed, but this may also cause problems for
        // pkgconf. If you really need to compile against very old Harfbuzz,
        // patch this file and don't use pkgconf.
        fn get_pkgconfig_spec(&self) -> &str {

        // TODO: can we ensure that the graphite2 option is enabled?
        fn get_vcpkg_spec(&self) -> &[&str] {

    pub fn build_harfbuzz() {
        let cfg = Configuration::default();
        let dep = Dependency::probe(HarfbuzzSpec, &cfg);

        // This is the key. What we print here will be propagated into depending
        // crates' build scripts as the envirnoment variable DEP_HARFBUZZ_INCLUDE_PATH,
        // allowing them to find the headers internally.

        let mut sep = "cargo:include-path=";

        dep.foreach_include_path(|p| {
            print!("{}{}", sep, p.to_str().unwrap());
            sep = ";";



#[cfg(not(feature = "external-harfbuzz"))]
mod inner {
    use std::{env, ffi::OsStr, fs, path::PathBuf};

    pub fn build_harfbuzz() {
        let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();

        // Check that the submodule has been checked out.

        let src_dir = {
            let mut p = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());

        let test_file = src_dir.join("harfbuzz.cc");

        if !test_file.exists() {
            eprintln!("error: no such file {}", test_file.display());
                "   if you have checked out from Git, you probably need to fetch submodules:"
            eprintln!("       git submodule update --init");
                "   This is needed because we are attempting to compile a local copy of Harfbuzz."

        // Include paths exported by our internal dependencies:
        let graphite2_include_path = env::var("DEP_GRAPHITE2_INCLUDE_PATH").unwrap();
        let graphite2_static = !env::var("DEP_GRAPHITE2_DEFINE_STATIC").unwrap().is_empty();

        let mut cfg = cc::Build::new();

            .define("HAVE_GRAPHITE2", "1")

        for item in graphite2_include_path.split(';') {

        if graphite2_static {
            cfg.define("GRAPHITE2_STATIC", "1");

        if !target.contains("windows") {
            cfg.define("HAVE_PTHREAD", "1");

        if target.contains("apple") {
            cfg.define("HAVE_CORETEXT", "1");

            // AssertMacros.h defines a verify() that conflicts with hb-shape.cc.

        if target.contains("windows-gnu") {


        // Copy the headers to have the same directory structure as a system install.

        let include_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());

            include_dir.to_str().expect("non-string-friendly OUT_DIR")

        for item in graphite2_include_path.split(';') {
            print!(";{}", item);


        let dest_dir = include_dir.join("harfbuzz");
        // CC build process already creates this for us:
        //fs::create_dir(&dest_dir).expect("error creating dest_dir");

        for entry in fs::read_dir(&src_dir).expect("failed to read dir") {
            let entry = entry.expect("failed to get dir entry");
            if entry.path().extension() == Some(OsStr::new("h")) {
                let hdest = dest_dir.join(entry.path().file_name().unwrap());
                fs::copy(entry.path(), hdest).expect("failed to copy header");

fn main() {