tectonic 0.12.0

A modernized, complete, embeddable TeX/LaTeX engine. Tectonic is forked from the XeTeX extension to the classic “Web2C” implementation of TeX and uses the TeXLive distribution of support files.
// src/bin/tectonic.rs -- Command-line driver for the Tectonic engine.
// Copyright 2020-2022 the Tectonic Project
// Licensed under the MIT License.

//! Unstable options for the Tectonic engine.
//! This is similar to the -Z options on rustc - they're unstable options that are not guaranteed
//! to be reliable or very polished. In particular, many of these prevent the build from being
//! reproducible.

use crate::{
    errors::{Error, Result},
use std::default::Default;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str::FromStr;

const HELPMSG: &str = r#"Available unstable options:

    -Z help                     Lists all unstable options
    -Z continue-on-errors       Keep compiling even when severe errors occur
    -Z min-crossrefs=<num>      Equivalent to bibtex's -min-crossrefs flag - "include after <num>
                                    crossrefs" [default: 2]
    -Z paper-size=<spec>        Change the default paper size [default: letter]
    -Z search-path=<path>       Also look in <path> for files, like TEXINPUTS. Can be specified
                                    multiple times.
    -Z shell-escape             Enable \write18
    -Z shell-escape-cwd         Working directory to use for \write18. Use $(pwd) for same behaviour as
                                    most other engines (e.g. for relative paths in \inputminted).
                                    Implies -Z shell-escape

// Each entry of this should correspond to a field of UnstableOptions.
pub enum UnstableArg {

impl FromStr for UnstableArg {
    type Err = Error;

    /// Parse from the argument to -Z
    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self> {
        let mut splitter = s.splitn(2, '=');
        let arg = splitter.next().unwrap(); // splitn will always have at least 1 item
        let value = splitter.next();

        // For structopt/clap, if you pass a value to a flag which doesn't accept one, it's
        // silently ignored.

        let require_value = |value_name| {
            value.ok_or_else(|| {
                    "'-Z {}=<{}>' requires a value but none was supplied",

        let require_no_value = |unwanted_value: Option<&str>, builtin_value: UnstableArg| {
            if let Some(value) = unwanted_value {
                    "'-Z {}={}', was supplied but '-Z {}' does not take a value.",
                    arg, value, arg
            } else {

        match arg {
            "help" => Ok(UnstableArg::Help),

            "continue-on-errors" => Ok(UnstableArg::ContinueOnErrors),

            "min-crossrefs" => require_value("num")
                .and_then(|s| {
                    FromStr::from_str(s).map_err(|e| format!("-Z min-crossrefs: {}", e).into())

            "paper-size" => require_value("spec").map(|s| UnstableArg::PaperSize(s.to_string())),

            "search-path" => require_value("path").map(|s| UnstableArg::SearchPath(s.into())),

            "shell-escape" => require_no_value(value, UnstableArg::ShellEscapeEnabled),

            "shell-escape-cwd" => {
                require_value("path").map(|s| UnstableArg::ShellEscapeCwd(s.to_string()))

            _ => Err(format!("Unknown unstable option '{}'", arg).into()),

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct UnstableOptions {
    pub continue_on_errors: bool,
    pub paper_size: Option<String>,
    pub shell_escape: bool,
    pub min_crossrefs: Option<i32>,
    pub extra_search_paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
    pub shell_escape_cwd: Option<String>,

impl UnstableOptions {
    pub fn from_unstable_args<I>(uargs: I) -> Self
        I: Iterator<Item = UnstableArg>,
        let mut opts = UnstableOptions::default();

        for u in uargs {
            use UnstableArg::*;
            match u {
                Help => print_unstable_help_and_exit(),
                ContinueOnErrors => opts.continue_on_errors = true,
                MinCrossrefs(num) => opts.min_crossrefs = Some(num),
                PaperSize(size) => opts.paper_size = Some(size),
                ShellEscapeEnabled => opts.shell_escape = true,
                SearchPath(p) => opts.extra_search_paths.push(p),
                ShellEscapeCwd(p) => {
                    opts.shell_escape_cwd = Some(p);
                    opts.shell_escape = true;


pub fn print_unstable_help_and_exit() {
    print!("{}", HELPMSG);