tealdeer 1.6.1

Fetch and show tldr help pages for many CLI commands. Full featured offline client with caching support.
use std::{
    fs::{self, File},
    io::{BufReader, Cursor, Read},
    path::{Path, PathBuf},
    time::{Duration, SystemTime},

use anyhow::{ensure, Context, Result};
use log::debug;
use reqwest::{blocking::Client, Proxy};
use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir};
use zip::ZipArchive;

use crate::types::PlatformType;

pub static TLDR_PAGES_DIR: &str = "tldr-pages";
static TLDR_OLD_PAGES_DIR: &str = "tldr-master";

pub struct Cache {
    platform: PlatformType,
    cache_dir: PathBuf,

pub struct PageLookupResult {
    pub page_path: PathBuf,
    pub patch_path: Option<PathBuf>,

impl PageLookupResult {
    pub fn with_page(page_path: PathBuf) -> Self {
        Self {
            patch_path: None,

    pub fn with_optional_patch(mut self, patch_path: Option<PathBuf>) -> Self {
        self.patch_path = patch_path;

    /// Create a buffered reader that sequentially reads from the page and the
    /// patch, as if they were concatenated.
    /// This will return an error if either the page file or the patch file
    /// cannot be opened.
    pub fn reader(&self) -> Result<BufReader<Box<dyn Read>>> {
        // Open page file
        let page_file = File::open(&self.page_path)
            .with_context(|| format!("Could not open page file at {}", self.page_path.display()))?;

        // Open patch file
        let patch_file_opt = match &self.patch_path {
            Some(path) => Some(
                    .with_context(|| format!("Could not open patch file at {}", path.display()))?,
            None => None,

        // Create chained reader from file(s)
        // Note: It might be worthwhile to create our own struct that accepts
        // the page and patch files and that will read them sequentially,
        // because it avoids the boxing below. However, the performance impact
        // would first need to be shown to be significant using a benchmark.
        Ok(BufReader::new(if let Some(patch_file) = patch_file_opt {
            Box::new(page_file.chain(&b"\n"[..]).chain(patch_file)) as Box<dyn Read>
        } else {
            Box::new(page_file) as Box<dyn Read>

pub enum CacheFreshness {
    /// The cache is still fresh (less than MAX_CACHE_AGE old)
    /// The cache is stale and should be updated
    /// The cache is missing

impl Cache {
    pub fn new<P>(platform: PlatformType, cache_dir: P) -> Self
        P: Into<PathBuf>,
        Self {
            cache_dir: cache_dir.into(),

    pub fn cache_dir(&self) -> &Path {

    /// Make sure that the cache directory exists and is a directory.
    /// If necessary, create the directory.
    fn ensure_cache_dir_exists(&self) -> Result<()> {
        // Check whether `cache_dir` exists and is a directory
        let (cache_dir_exists, cache_dir_is_dir) = self
            .map_or((false, false), |md| (true, md.is_dir()));
            !cache_dir_exists || cache_dir_is_dir,
            "Cache directory path `{}` is not a directory",

        if !cache_dir_exists {
            // If missing, try to create the complete directory path
            fs::create_dir_all(&self.cache_dir).with_context(|| {
                    "Cache directory path `{}` cannot be created",
                "Successfully created cache directory path `{}`.",


    fn pages_dir(&self) -> PathBuf {

    /// Download the archive from the specified URL.
    fn download(archive_url: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
        let mut builder = Client::builder();
        if let Ok(ref host) = env::var("HTTP_PROXY") {
            if let Ok(proxy) = Proxy::http(host) {
                builder = builder.proxy(proxy);
        if let Ok(ref host) = env::var("HTTPS_PROXY") {
            if let Ok(proxy) = Proxy::https(host) {
                builder = builder.proxy(proxy);
        let client = builder
            .context("Could not instantiate HTTP client")?;
        let mut resp = client
            .with_context(|| format!("Could not download tldr pages from {}", archive_url))?;
        let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let bytes_downloaded = resp.copy_to(&mut buf)?;
        debug!("{} bytes downloaded", bytes_downloaded);

    /// Update the pages cache from the specified URL.
    pub fn update(&self, archive_url: &str) -> Result<()> {

        // First, download the compressed data
        let bytes: Vec<u8> = Self::download(archive_url)?;

        // Decompress the response body into an `Archive`
        let mut archive = ZipArchive::new(Cursor::new(bytes))
            .context("Could not decompress downloaded ZIP archive")?;

        // Clear cache directory
        // Note: This is not the best solution. Ideally we would download the
        // archive to a temporary directory and then swap the two directories.
        // But renaming a directory doesn't work across filesystems and Rust
        // does not yet offer a recursive directory copying function. So for
        // now, we'll use this approach.
            .context("Could not clear the cache directory")?;

        // Extract archive into pages dir
            .context("Could not unpack compressed data")?;


    /// Return the duration since the cache directory was last modified.
    pub fn last_update(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
        if let Ok(metadata) = fs::metadata(self.pages_dir()) {
            if let Ok(mtime) = metadata.modified() {
                let now = SystemTime::now();
                return now.duration_since(mtime).ok();

    /// Return the freshness of the cache (fresh, stale or missing).
    pub fn freshness(&self) -> CacheFreshness {
        match self.last_update() {
            Some(ago) if ago > crate::config::MAX_CACHE_AGE => CacheFreshness::Stale(ago),
            Some(_) => CacheFreshness::Fresh,
            None => CacheFreshness::Missing,

    /// Return the platform directory.
    fn get_platform_dir(&self) -> &'static str {
        match self.platform {
            PlatformType::Linux => "linux",
            PlatformType::OsX => "osx",
            PlatformType::SunOs => "sunos",
            PlatformType::Windows => "windows",
            PlatformType::Android => "android",

    /// Check for pages for a given platform in one of the given languages.
    fn find_page_for_platform(
        page_name: &str,
        pages_dir: &Path,
        platform: &str,
        language_dirs: &[String],
    ) -> Option<PathBuf> {
            .map(|lang_dir| pages_dir.join(lang_dir).join(platform).join(page_name))
            .find(|path| path.exists() && path.is_file())

    /// Look up custom patch (<name>.patch). If it exists, store it in a variable.
    fn find_patch(patch_name: &str, custom_pages_dir: Option<&Path>) -> Option<PathBuf> {
            .map(|custom_dir| custom_dir.join(patch_name))
            .filter(|path| path.exists() && path.is_file())

    /// Search for a page and return the path to it.
    pub fn find_page(
        name: &str,
        languages: &[String],
        custom_pages_dir: Option<&Path>,
    ) -> Option<PageLookupResult> {
        let page_filename = format!("{}.md", name);
        let patch_filename = format!("{}.patch", name);
        let custom_filename = format!("{}.page", name);

        // Determine directory paths
        let pages_dir = self.pages_dir();
        let lang_dirs: Vec<String> = languages
            .map(|lang| {
                if lang == "en" {
                } else {
                    format!("pages.{}", lang)

        // Look up custom page (<name>.page). If it exists, return it directly
        if let Some(config_dir) = custom_pages_dir {
            let custom_page = config_dir.join(custom_filename);
            if custom_page.exists() && custom_page.is_file() {
                return Some(PageLookupResult::with_page(custom_page));

        let patch_path = Self::find_patch(&patch_filename, custom_pages_dir);

        // Try to find a platform specific path next, append custom patch to it.
        let platform_dir = self.get_platform_dir();
        if let Some(page) =
            Self::find_page_for_platform(&page_filename, &pages_dir, platform_dir, &lang_dirs)
            return Some(PageLookupResult::with_page(page).with_optional_patch(patch_path));

        // Did not find platform specific results, fall back to "common"
        Self::find_page_for_platform(&page_filename, &pages_dir, "common", &lang_dirs)
            .map(|page| PageLookupResult::with_page(page).with_optional_patch(patch_path))

    /// Return the available pages.
    pub fn list_pages(&self, custom_pages_dir: Option<&Path>) -> Vec<String> {
        // Determine platforms directory and platform
        let platforms_dir = self.pages_dir().join("pages");
        let platform_dir = self.get_platform_dir();

        // Closure that allows the WalkDir instance to traverse platform
        // specific and common page directories, but not others.
        let should_walk = |entry: &DirEntry| -> bool {
            let file_type = entry.file_type();
            let file_name = match entry.file_name().to_str() {
                Some(name) => name,
                None => return false,
            if file_type.is_dir() {
                return file_name == "common" || file_name == platform_dir;
            } else if file_type.is_file() {
                return true;

        let to_stem = |entry: DirEntry| -> Option<String> {

        // Recursively walk through common and (if applicable) platform specific directory
        let mut pages = WalkDir::new(platforms_dir)
            .min_depth(1) // Skip root directory
            .filter_entry(should_walk) // Filter out pages for other architectures
            .filter_map(Result::ok) // Convert results to options, filter out errors
            .filter_map(|e| {
                let extension = e.path().extension().unwrap_or_default();
                if e.file_type().is_file() && extension == "md" {
                } else {

        if let Some(custom_pages_dir) = custom_pages_dir {
            let is_page = |entry: &DirEntry| -> bool {
                let extension = entry.path().extension().unwrap_or_default();
                entry.file_type().is_file() && extension == "page"

            let custom_pages = WalkDir::new(custom_pages_dir)



    /// Delete the cache directory
    /// Returns true if the cache was deleted and false if the cache dir did
    /// not exist.
    pub fn clear(&self) -> Result<bool> {
        if !self.cache_dir.exists() {
            return Ok(false);
            "Cache path ({}) is not a directory.",

        // Delete old tldr-pages cache location as well if present
        // TODO: To be removed in the future
        for pages_dir_name in [TLDR_PAGES_DIR, TLDR_OLD_PAGES_DIR] {
            let pages_dir = self.cache_dir.join(pages_dir_name);

            if pages_dir.exists() {
                fs::remove_dir_all(&pages_dir).with_context(|| {
                        "Could not remove the cache directory at {}",


/// Unit Tests for cache module
mod tests {
    use super::*;

    use std::{
        io::{Read, Write},

    fn test_reader_with_patch() {
        // Write test files
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
        let page_path = dir.path().join("test.page");
        let patch_path = dir.path().join("test.patch");
            let mut f1 = File::create(&page_path).unwrap();
            let mut f2 = File::create(&patch_path).unwrap();

        // Create chained reader from lookup result
        let lr = PageLookupResult::with_page(page_path).with_optional_patch(Some(patch_path));
        let mut reader = lr.reader().unwrap();

        // Read into a Vec
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(&buf, b"Hello\n\nWorld");

    fn test_reader_without_patch() {
        // Write test file
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
        let page_path = dir.path().join("test.page");
            let mut f = File::create(&page_path).unwrap();

        // Create chained reader from lookup result
        let lr = PageLookupResult::with_page(page_path);
        let mut reader = lr.reader().unwrap();

        // Read into a Vec
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(&buf, b"Hello\n");