tdyne-peer-id 1.0.2

Basic Peer ID type used across BitTorrent related libraries.

Base type for BitTorrent peer IDs

tdyne_peer_id is a newtype for BitTorrent peer IDs, represented as [u8; 20]. It's intentionally kept very minimalist to minimise the possibility of backwards-incompatible changes.

tdyne-peer-id = "1"


use tdyne_peer_id::{PeerId, BadPeerIdLengthError};

fn main() {
    let byte_array: &[u8; 20] = b"-TR0000-*\x00\x01d7xkqq04n";
    let byte_slice: &[u8] = b"-TR0000-*\x00\x01d7xkqq04n";
    let short_byte_slice: &[u8] = b"-TR0000-";

    // creating a PeerId from an array is simple
    let peer_id = PeerId::from(b"-TR0000-*\x00\x01d7xkqq04n");
    assert_eq!(peer_id.to_string(), "-TR0000-???d7xkqq04n".to_string());

    // you can also create PeerId from a byte slice if its 20 bytes long
    _ = PeerId::try_from(byte_slice).expect("matching lengths");

    // …if it's not, you get an error
    let error = BadPeerIdLengthError(short_byte_slice.len());
    assert_eq!(PeerId::try_from(short_byte_slice).expect_err("lengths don't match"), error);

Libraries and projects using tdyne_peer_id

tdyne_peer_id is opensourced from TORRENTDYNE, a BitTorrent diagnostic service.
