tdesktop_theme 0.1.0

A Rust crate for parsing and serialization of .tdesktop-theme and .tdesktop-palette files.
//! A crate to work with Telegram Desktop themes. Supports:
//! - Parsing of `.tdesktop-palette`;
//! - Parsing of `.tdesktop-theme`;
//! - Serialization to `.tdesktop-palette` format;
//! - Serialization to `.tdesktop-theme` format;
//! - Dealing with wallpapers;
//! - Editing themes;
//! - Variables links.
//! Also can:
//! - Resolve links;
//! - Unlink variables;
//! - Add themes (`&theme + &other_theme`);
//! - Fallback to another theme (`&theme | &other_theme`).
//! We also provide the default theme under `utils::generate_default_theme`.
//! If you think we don't support something or you wish we had some feature,
//! feel free to [fill an issue on our GitLab repository][issues].
//! [issues]:

#[cfg_attr(test, macro_use)]
extern crate indexmap;

mod wallpaper;
mod parse;
mod tdesktop_theme;
mod serialize;
pub mod utils;

use indexmap::IndexMap;
pub use parse::ParseError;
pub use wallpaper::*;
pub use tdesktop_theme::*;

/// An array that represents a color, in the format
/// `[red, green, blue, alpha]`.
/// An array was chosen because it is usable with other crates, unlike if this
/// crate used his own struct.
type Color = [u8; 4];

type Variables = IndexMap<String, Value>;

/// Represents a possible variable's value.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum Value {
  /// Holds the color of the variable.
  /// Holds the variable's link to another variable.
  /// # Notes
  /// Tt's not guaranteed that the theme really has the variable this field
  /// holds a link to.
  /// To get the variable's real value, use `TdesktopTheme.resolve_variable`.