Macro tcl::tclosure

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tclosure!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

Helps to register rust closures as Tcl commands


tclosure!( interp, cmd, args, closure )

Input parameters

  1. interp, the Tcl interpreter instance.

  2. cmd, the name of the command being registered in Tcl. Optional.

  3. args, the arguments provided in Tcl on executing the command. Optional.

  4. closure, the closure defined in Rust.


Returns a String of the command name.


use tcl::*;

let offset = 0;
let interpreter = Interpreter::new()?;

let cmd = tclosure!( &interpreter, /*cmd: "mul", args: "",*/
    move |a: i32, b: i32| -> TclResult<i32> { Ok( a * b + offset )}

let a = 3;
let b = 7;
let c = interpreter.eval(( "eval", cmd, a, b ))?;
assert_eq!( c.as_i32(), 21 );