Crate tc_tensor

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A wrapper around a DenseTensor File
Tensor bounds
A Tensor stored as a File of dense Array blocks
The schema of a Tensor
The shape of a Tensor
The base accessor type of SparseTensor, implementing SparseAccess for a TableIndex.
A Tensor stored as a Table of Coords and [Number] values


A generic one-dimensional array which supports all variants of [NumberType].
The bounds of a Tensor along a single axis.
A generic enum which can contain any DenseAccess impl
An n-dimensional array of numbers which supports basic math and logic operations
A view of a Tensor at a given TxnId, used in serialization


The file extension of a Tensor


Common DenseTensor access methods
Common DenseTensor access methods
Access methods for SparseTensor data
Write methods for SparseTensor data
Basic properties common to all Tensors
Tensor boolean operations.
Tensor boolean operations in relation to a constant.
Tensor comparison operations
Tensor-constant comparison operations
Tensor linear algebra operations
Tensor I/O operations which accept another Tensor as an argument
Tensor I/O operations
Tensor indexing operations
Tensor math operations
Tensor constant math operations
Methods to access this Tensor as a persistent type.
Tensor reduction operations
Trigonometric Tensor operations
Unary Tensor operations


Broadcast the given left and right tensors into their broadcast_shape.
Compute the shape returned by broadcasting the given shapes together.

Type Definitions

The address of an individual element in a Tensor.