tbuck 1.0.1

A command line tool for bucketing time-series text data
//! **tbuck** ("timeseries bucketing") by Drake Tetreault
//! To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
//! tbuck has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
//! to tbuck.
//! You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
//! work.  If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.


use std::io::{Read, BufRead, BufReader, Write, Result as IoResult};
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

use chrono::{DateTime, Timelike, Utc, Duration};
use chrono::format::{Item, Numeric, Pad, Fixed, Parsed};
use chrono::format::strftime::StrftimeItems;
use clap::{App, Arg};
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use regex::Regex;

fn main() -> IoResult<()> {
    let args = parse_args();

    // Single line buffer to avoid allocating for each line.
    let mut line = String::with_capacity(4096);

    // Compile the regex only once.
    let regex = args.datetime_format.regex();

    // Unordered buckets - will be ordered after all lines have been counted.
    let mut buckets: HashMap<DateTime<Utc>, u64> = HashMap::new();

    // TODO: parallelize reading across inputs? Probably not super helpful.
    for input in &args.inputs {
        // open_bare_read does dynamic dispatch based on the type of input via a `&mut dyn Read` pointer.
        input.open_bare_read(|read| {
            let mut reader = BufReader::new(read);
            loop {
                // Always clear old data.

                if reader.read_line(&mut line)? == 0 {

                // Find the match at the indicated match_index. Ignore lines without a match.
                let match_ = match regex.find_iter(&line).skip(args.match_index).nth(0) {
                    None => continue,
                    Some(m) => m
                // Convert the match into a DateTime<Utc>. Because the regex is more permissive than
                // the chrono library (for example, a value of '61' seconds will pass the regex but
                // not chrono's range checking), its possible the parsing may fail. This is more
                // indicative of a problem than a line not having a match, so alert the user with
                // a stderr message.
                let datetime = match args.datetime_format.try_parse(match_.as_str()) {
                    Ok(p) => p,
                    Err(err) => {
                        eprintln!("Failed to parse date/time match: {}", err);
                // Increment bucket count.
                let bucket = args.granularity.bucketize(&datetime);
                *buckets.entry(bucket).or_insert(0) += 1;

    // Sort buckets by time.
    let mut ordered_buckets: Vec<(DateTime<Utc>, u64)> = buckets.into_iter().collect();
    ordered_buckets.sort_unstable_by(|l, r| l.0.cmp(&r.0));

    // Write output to stdout.
    let stdout = std::io::stdout();
    let mut stdout_lock = stdout.lock();
    let mut prev_bucket = chrono::MAX_DATE.and_hms(0, 0, 0);
    for (bucket, count) in &ordered_buckets {
        // Unless --no-fill was specified, we need to emit 0s for buckets which don't exist.
        if args.fill_empty_buckets {
            while prev_bucket < *bucket {
                writeln!(stdout_lock, "{},0", prev_bucket)?;
                prev_bucket = args.granularity.successor(&prev_bucket);
        writeln!(stdout_lock, "{},{}", bucket, count)?;
        prev_bucket = args.granularity.successor(bucket);

// Defines CLI args. Will terminate program with an error message if args are invalid.
fn parse_args() -> Args {
    let app_matches = App::new("tbuck")
            .help("0-based index of match to use if multiple matches are found")
            .validator(|value| {
                    .map(|_| ())
                    .map_err(|_| "Not a valid positive integer index".to_string())
            .help("Bucket time granularity in seconds ('5s'), minutes ('1m'), or hours ('2h'); default 1m")
            .validator(|value| {
                    .map(|_| ())
                    .ok_or_else(|| "Not a valid granularity specifier".to_string())
            .help("Disable counts of 0 being emitted for buckets with no entries"))
            .help("Date/time parsing format; use --help for list of specifiers")
"Date/time parsing format. Full date and time information must be present. The following specifiers are supported, taken from Rust's chrono crate:
Specifier   Example     Description
%Y          2001        The full proleptic Gregorian year, zero-padded to 4 digits.
%m          07          Month number (01--12), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%b          Jul         Abbreviated month name. Always 3 letters.
%B          July        Full month name. Also accepts corresponding abbreviation in parsing.
%d          08          Day number (01--31), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%F          2001-07-08  Year-month-day format (ISO 8601). Same to %Y-%m-%d.
%H          00          Hour number (00--23), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%I          12          Hour number in 12-hour clocks (01--12), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%M          34          Minute number (00--59), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%S          60          Second number (00--60), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%T          00:34:60    Hour-minute-second format. Same to %H:%M:%S.
%P          am          am or pm in 12-hour clocks.
%p          AM          AM or PM in 12-hour clocks.
%s          994518299   UNIX timestamp, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC.")
            .validator(|value| {
                    .ok_or_else(|| "Not a valid date/time format, use --help to list supported specifiers".to_string())
                    .and_then(|format| {
                        if format.has_enough_info() {
                        } else {
                            Err("Not enough information in the date/time format to construct a full date/time".to_string())
            .help("Input files; or standard input if none provided"))

    let datetime_format = DateTimeFormat::new(app_matches.value_of("format")
        .expect("format is a required argument"))
        .expect("validator should have rejected unsupported items");
    let match_index = app_matches.value_of("match-index")
        .map_or(0, |val| val.parse::<usize>().expect("validator should have rejected invalid values"));
    let granularity = app_matches.value_of("granularity")
            || Granularity::Minute(NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap()),
            |val| Granularity::parse(val).expect("validator should have rejected invalid values"));
    let inputs = app_matches.values_of_os("inputs")
            || vec![Input::Stdin {}],
            |vals| vals.map(|val| Input::File(Path::new(val).to_path_buf())).collect());
    let fill_empty_buckets = !app_matches.is_present("no-fill");

    Args {

// Parsed CLI args.
struct Args {
    datetime_format: DateTimeFormat,
    match_index: usize,
    granularity: Granularity,
    inputs: Vec<Input>,
    fill_empty_buckets: bool

// Where the program can take its input from.
enum Input {

impl Input {
    // Invoke a callback function that accepts a `&mut dyn Read` for dynamic dispatch based on the
    // type of input. This is mostly useful because it allows us to lock stdin for the entire
    // duration of the program.
    fn open_bare_read(&self, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut dyn Read) -> IoResult<()>) -> IoResult<()> {
        match self {
            Input::Stdin => {
                let stdin = std::io::stdin();
                let mut lock = stdin.lock();
                f(&mut lock)
            Input::File(path) => {
                let mut file = std::fs::File::open(path)?;
                f(&mut file)

// Will be used both for finding timestamps within a line and parsing the timestamp into a datetime.
struct DateTimeFormat {
    chrono_items: Vec<FormatItem>

impl DateTimeFormat {
    // Parse the chrono format specifiers in a string into a DateTimeFormat. Returns Some() if all
    // the specifiers in the string are actually supported, or None if the user tried to use an
    // unsupported chrono specifier.
    fn new(format_string: &str) -> Option<Self> {
        let mut items_supported = true;
        let chrono_items: Vec<FormatItem> = StrftimeItems::new(format_string)
            .inspect(|item| items_supported &= match item {
                Item::Numeric(numeric, pad) => numeric_format_to_regex_fragment(numeric, *pad).is_some(),
                Item::Fixed(fixed) => fixed_format_to_regex_fragment(fixed).is_some(),
                _ => true
        if items_supported {
            Some(Self {
        } else {

    // Build the regex which can find occurrences of this format in a line.
    fn regex(&self) -> Regex {
        let mut expression = String::with_capacity(128);
        for item in &self.chrono_items {
            match item {
                FormatItem::Literal(string) | FormatItem::Space(string) => {
                    // Remember to escape special characters.
                FormatItem::Numeric(numeric, pad) => {
                    expression.push_str(numeric_format_to_regex_fragment(numeric, *pad)
                        .expect("validator should have rejected unsupported items"));
                FormatItem::Fixed(fixed) => {
                        .expect("validator should have rejected unsupported items"));
        // Given that the only parts to the regex are A) user input that has been escaped and B) strings
        // that our code is responsible for, we expect the regex to be valid.
        Regex::new(&expression).expect("Regex unexpectedly invalid")

    // Try to parse text that was matched by the regex into a DateTime<Utc>. This method's current
    // implementation calls Parsed::to_datetime_with_timezone, which has the major implication that
    // full date/time information must be specified in the string. In a future revision, we may
    // want to be fancier here by accepting formats that don't have various components (missing
    // year/month, for example). It seems like if we don't have eg year but the granularity is only
    // in seconds, then it should be perfectly possible to still form buckets. However, if we were
    // to do that we'd need to consider things like how we print out buckets when they're not really
    // 'full' DateTimes - just accept 0s for missing components?
    fn try_parse(&self, text: &str) -> chrono::format::ParseResult<DateTime<Utc>> {
        let mut parsed = Parsed::new();
        chrono::format::parse(&mut parsed, text, self.chrono_items.iter().map(FormatItem::to_chrono))?;
        parsed.to_datetime_with_timezone(&Utc {})

    // Determines whether there is enough information in the user's format string to satisfy chrono's
    // parser. This works by building up a dummy string that matches the user's specification
    // (substituting dummy values like 0001 for the year, etc), then trying to parse it.
    fn has_enough_info(&self) -> bool {
        let mut default_values = String::with_capacity(128);
        for item in &self.chrono_items {
            match item {
                FormatItem::Literal(string) | FormatItem::Space(string) => {
                FormatItem::Numeric(numeric, pad) => {
                    default_values.push_str(numeric_format_to_default_value(numeric, *pad)
                        .expect("validator should have rejected unsupported items"));
                FormatItem::Fixed(fixed) => {
                        .expect("validator should have rejected unsupported items"));

// Convert a Numeric chrono specifier (like "%Y") into a regex fragment that will match values of
// that kind. Currently ignores the padding info - is there a case where doing so is incorrect?
fn numeric_format_to_regex_fragment(numeric: &Numeric, _pad: Pad) -> Option<&'static str> {
    use Numeric::*;
    Some(match numeric {
        Year => "-?\\d+",
        Month | Day | Hour | Hour12 | Minute | Second => "\\d{2}",
        Timestamp => "\\d+",
        _ => return None

// Get a dummy value for a chrono Numeric specifier.
fn numeric_format_to_default_value(numeric: &Numeric, _pad: Pad) -> Option<&'static str> {
    use Numeric::*;
    Some(match numeric {
        Year => "0001",
        Month | Day | Hour12 => "01",
        Hour | Minute | Second => "00",
        Timestamp => "000000000",
        _ => return None

// Convert a Fixed chrono specifier (like "%b") into a regex fragment that will match values of
// that kind.
fn fixed_format_to_regex_fragment(fixed: &Fixed) -> Option<&'static str> {
    use Fixed::*;
    Some(match fixed {
        ShortMonthName => "Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec",
        LongMonthName => "Jan(uary)?|Feb(ruary)?|Mar(ch)?|Apr(il)?|May|June?|July?|Aug(ust)?|Sep(tember)?|Oct(ober)?|Nov(ember)?|Dec(ember)?",
        LowerAmPm | UpperAmPm => "am|AM|pm|PM",
        _ => return None

// Get a dummy value for a chrono Fixed specifier.
fn fixed_format_to_default_value(fixed: &Fixed) -> Option<&'static str> {
    use Fixed::*;
    Some(match fixed {
        ShortMonthName => "Jan",
        LongMonthName => "January",
        LowerAmPm => "am",
        UpperAmPm => "AM",
        _ => return None

mod datetime_format_tests {
    use chrono::{Datelike, Timelike};
    use super::DateTimeFormat;

    fn formats_are_matched() {
        let cases = vec![
            ("%Y", vec!["2019", "1", "0100", "100", "-1"]),
            ("%m", vec!["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"]),
            ("%b", vec!["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]),
            ("%B", vec!["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]),
            ("%d", vec!["01", "02", "10", "22", "31"]),
            ("%F", vec!["1991-08-10", "2019-03-14"]),
            ("%H", vec!["00", "02", "10", "19", "23"]),
            ("%I", vec!["01", "02", "05", "10", "12"]),
            ("%M", vec!["00", "02", "10", "19", "30", "44", "59"]),
            ("%S", vec!["00", "02", "10", "19", "30", "44", "59", "60"]),
            ("%T", vec!["00:00:00", "10:20:30", "23:59:60"]),
            ("%p", vec!["AM", "PM"]),
            ("%P", vec!["am", "pm"]),
            ("%s", vec!["994518299"]),
        for (strftime, expected_matches) in &cases {
            let format = DateTimeFormat::new(strftime).unwrap();
            let regex = format.regex();
            for expected_match in expected_matches {

    fn has_enough_info() {
        let cases = vec![
            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
            "%F %T",
            "%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p"
        for strftime in &cases {
            let format = DateTimeFormat::new(strftime).unwrap();

    fn parses() {
        let cases = vec![
            ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "1991-08-10 01:02:03", 1991, 8, 10, 1, 2, 3),
            ("%b %d, %Y %I:%M:%S%P", "Mar 14, 2019 04:59:34pm", 2019, 3, 14, 16, 59, 34),
            ("%s", "1552609482", 2019, 3, 15, 00, 24, 42)
        for (strftime, text, y, mo, d, h, mi, s) in cases {
            let format = DateTimeFormat::new(strftime).unwrap();
            let datetime = format.try_parse(text).unwrap();
            let date = datetime.date();
            let time = datetime.time();
            assert_eq!(y, date.year());
            assert_eq!(mo, date.month());
            assert_eq!(d, date.day());
            assert_eq!(h, time.hour());
            assert_eq!(mi, time.minute());
            assert_eq!(s, time.second());

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Granularity {

impl Granularity {
    fn parse(text: &str) -> Option<Self> {
        if let Some(index) = text.find('s') {
        } else if let Some(index) = text.find('m') {
        } else if let Some(index) = text.find('h') {
        } else {

    fn bucketize(&self, datetime: &DateTime<Utc>) -> DateTime<Utc> {
        match self {
            Granularity::Second(s) => {
                let s = s.get();
                let time = datetime.time();
                datetime.date().and_hms(time.hour(), time.minute(), time.second() / s * s)
            Granularity::Minute(m) => {
                let m = m.get();
                let time = datetime.time();
                datetime.date().and_hms(time.hour(), time.minute() / m * m, 0)
            Granularity::Hour(h) => {
                let h = h.get();
                let time = datetime.time();
                datetime.date().and_hms(time.hour() / h * h, 0, 0)

    fn successor(&self, datetime: &DateTime<Utc>) -> DateTime<Utc> {
        match self {
            Granularity::Second(s) => {
                *datetime + Duration::seconds(i64::from(s.get()))
            Granularity::Minute(m) => {
                *datetime + Duration::minutes(i64::from(m.get()))
            Granularity::Hour(h) => {
                *datetime + Duration::hours(i64::from(h.get()))

mod granularity_tests {
    use super::Granularity;
    use std::num::NonZeroU32;
    use chrono::{DateTime, Utc, Timelike};
    use chrono::naive::NaiveDate;

    fn parses() {
        let cases = vec![
            ("1s", Granularity::Second(NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap())),
            ("5s", Granularity::Second(NonZeroU32::new(5).unwrap())),
            ("1m", Granularity::Minute(NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap())),
            ("3m", Granularity::Minute(NonZeroU32::new(3).unwrap())),
            ("1h", Granularity::Hour(NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap())),
            ("10h", Granularity::Hour(NonZeroU32::new(10).unwrap())),
        for (input, expected) in cases {
            assert_eq!(Granularity::parse(input).unwrap(), expected);

    fn bad_parses() {
        let cases = vec!["1", "-1s", "m"];
        for input in cases {

    fn bucketize() {
        for granularity_seconds in 1..100 {
            let granularity = Granularity::Second(NonZeroU32::new(granularity_seconds).unwrap());
            for input_second in 0..60 {
                let expected_bucket_second = input_second / granularity_seconds * granularity_seconds;
                let input = DateTime::from_utc(
                    NaiveDate::from_ymd(1991, 8, 10).and_hms(10, 30, input_second), Utc {});
                let bucket = granularity.bucketize(&input);
                assert!(bucket.time().second() % granularity_seconds == 0);
                assert_eq!(expected_bucket_second, bucket.time().second());

        for granularity_minutes in 1..100 {
            let granularity = Granularity::Minute(NonZeroU32::new(granularity_minutes).unwrap());
            for input_minute in 0..60 {
                let expected_bucket_minute = input_minute / granularity_minutes * granularity_minutes;
                let input = DateTime::from_utc(
                    NaiveDate::from_ymd(1991, 8, 10).and_hms(10, input_minute, 15), Utc {});
                let bucket = granularity.bucketize(&input);
                assert!(bucket.time().minute() % granularity_minutes == 0);
                assert_eq!(expected_bucket_minute, bucket.time().minute());
                assert_eq!(0, bucket.time().second());

        for granularity_hours in 1..100 {
            let granularity = Granularity::Hour(NonZeroU32::new(granularity_hours).unwrap());
            for input_hour in 0..24 {
                let expected_bucket_hour = input_hour / granularity_hours * granularity_hours;
                let input = DateTime::from_utc(
                    NaiveDate::from_ymd(1991, 8, 10).and_hms(input_hour, 43, 15), Utc {});
                let bucket = granularity.bucketize(&input);
                assert!(bucket.time().hour() % granularity_hours == 0);
                assert_eq!(expected_bucket_hour, bucket.time().hour());
                assert_eq!(0, bucket.time().second());
                assert_eq!(0, bucket.time().minute());

// Owned equivalent of chrono::format::Item.
enum FormatItem {
    Numeric(Numeric, Pad),

impl FormatItem {
    // Convert from chrono's Item to ours. Allocates string slices into owned strings.
    fn from_chrono(item: Item<'_>) -> Self {
        use chrono::format::Item::*;
        match item {
            Literal(str_slice) => FormatItem::Literal(str_slice.to_string()),
            OwnedLiteral(box_str) => FormatItem::Literal(box_str.to_string()),
            Space(str_slice) => FormatItem::Space(str_slice.to_string()),
            OwnedSpace(box_str) => FormatItem::Space(box_str.to_string()),
            Numeric(numeric, pad) => FormatItem::Numeric(numeric, pad),
            Fixed(fixed) => FormatItem::Fixed(fixed),
            Error => unimplemented!()

    // Convert back to chrono's representation. Needed for parsing.
    fn to_chrono(&self) -> Item {
        match self {
            FormatItem::Literal(string) => Item::Literal(string.as_str()),
            FormatItem::Space(string) => Item::Space(string.as_str()),
            FormatItem::Numeric(numeric, pad) => Item::Numeric(numeric.clone(), *pad),
            FormatItem::Fixed(fixed) => Item::Fixed(fixed.clone()),