[][src]Trait tbot::contexts::methods::ChatMethods

pub trait ChatMethods: Message {
    fn delete_chat_photo(&self) -> DeleteChatPhoto { ... }
fn delete_chat_sticker_set(&self) -> DeleteChatStickerSet { ... }
fn delete_message(&self, message_id: Id) -> DeleteMessage { ... }
fn delete_this_message(&self) -> DeleteMessage { ... }
fn edit_message_caption<'a>(
        &'a self,
        message_id: Id,
        caption: impl Into<Text<'a>>
    ) -> EditMessageCaption<'a> { ... }
fn edit_message_location(
        message_id: Id,
        location: (f64, f64)
    ) -> EditMessageLocation { ... }
fn edit_message_media<'a>(
        &'a self,
        message_id: Id,
        media: impl Into<EditableMedia<'a>>
    ) -> EditMessageMedia<'a> { ... }
fn edit_message_reply_markup<'a>(
        &'a self,
        message_id: Id,
        reply_markup: Keyboard<'a>
    ) -> EditMessageReplyMarkup<'a> { ... }
fn edit_message_text<'a>(
        &'a self,
        message_id: Id,
        text: impl Into<Text<'a>>
    ) -> EditMessageText<'a> { ... }
fn export_chat_invite_link(&self) -> ExportChatInviteLink { ... }
fn forward_here<'a>(
        &'a self,
        from_chat_id: impl ImplicitChatId<'a>,
        message_id: Id
    ) -> ForwardMessage<'a> { ... }
fn get_chat(&self) -> GetChat { ... }
fn get_chat_administrators(&self) -> GetChatAdministrators { ... }
fn get_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> GetChatMember { ... }
fn get_chat_members_count(&self) -> GetChatMembersCount { ... }
fn get_message_game_high_scores(
        message_id: Id,
        user_id: Id
    ) -> GetMessageGameHighScores { ... }
fn kick_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> KickChatMember { ... }
fn leave_chat(&self) -> LeaveChat { ... }
fn pin_chat_message(&self, message_id: Id) -> PinChatMessage { ... }
fn promote_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> PromoteChatMember { ... }
fn restrict_chat_member(
        user_id: Id,
        permissions: Permissions
    ) -> RestrictChatMember { ... }
fn send_animation<'a>(
        &'a self,
        animation: Animation<'a>
    ) -> SendAnimation<'a> { ... }
fn send_animation_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        animation: Animation<'a>
    ) -> SendAnimation<'a> { ... }
fn send_audio<'a>(&'a self, audio: Audio<'a>) -> SendAudio<'a> { ... }
fn send_audio_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, audio: Audio<'a>) -> SendAudio<'a> { ... }
fn send_chat_action(&self, action: Action) -> SendChatAction { ... }
fn send_contact<'a>(
        &'a self,
        phone_number: &'a str,
        first_name: &'a str
    ) -> SendContact<'a> { ... }
fn send_contact_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        phone_number: &'a str,
        first_name: &'a str
    ) -> SendContact<'a> { ... }
fn send_game<'a>(&'a self, game_short_name: &'a str) -> SendGame<'a> { ... }
fn send_game_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        game_short_name: &'a str
    ) -> SendGame<'a> { ... }
fn send_dice(&self) -> SendDice { ... }
fn send_dice_in_reply(&self) -> SendDice { ... }
fn send_document<'a>(&'a self, document: Document<'a>) -> SendDocument<'a> { ... }
fn send_document_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        document: Document<'a>
    ) -> SendDocument<'a> { ... }
fn send_invoice<'a>(
        &'a self,
        title: &'a str,
        description: &'a str,
        payload: &'a str,
        provider_token: &'a str,
        start_parameter: &'a str,
        currency: &'a str,
        prices: &'a [LabeledPrice<'a>]
    ) -> SendInvoice<'a> { ... }
fn send_invoice_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        title: &'a str,
        description: &'a str,
        payload: &'a str,
        provider_token: &'a str,
        start_parameter: &'a str,
        currency: &'a str,
        prices: &'a [LabeledPrice<'a>]
    ) -> SendInvoice<'a> { ... }
fn send_location(&self, location: (f64, f64)) -> SendLocation { ... }
fn send_location_in_reply(&self, location: (f64, f64)) -> SendLocation { ... }
fn send_media_group<'a>(
        &'a self,
        media: &'a [GroupMedia<'a>]
    ) -> SendMediaGroup<'a> { ... }
fn send_media_group_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        media: &'a [GroupMedia<'a>]
    ) -> SendMediaGroup<'a> { ... }
fn send_message<'a>(&'a self, text: impl Into<Text<'a>>) -> SendMessage<'a> { ... }
fn send_message_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        text: impl Into<Text<'a>>
    ) -> SendMessage<'a> { ... }
fn send_photo<'a>(&'a self, photo: Photo<'a>) -> SendPhoto<'a> { ... }
fn send_photo_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, photo: Photo<'a>) -> SendPhoto<'a> { ... }
fn send_poll<'a>(&'a self, poll: &'a Any<'a>) -> SendPoll<'a> { ... }
fn send_poll_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, poll: &'a Any<'a>) -> SendPoll<'a> { ... }
fn send_sticker<'a>(&'a self, sticker: Sticker<'a>) -> SendSticker<'a> { ... }
fn send_sticker_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        sticker: Sticker<'a>
    ) -> SendSticker<'a> { ... }
fn send_venue<'a>(
        &'a self,
        location: (f64, f64),
        title: &'a str,
        address: &'a str
    ) -> SendVenue<'a> { ... }
fn send_venue_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        location: (f64, f64),
        title: &'a str,
        address: &'a str
    ) -> SendVenue<'a> { ... }
fn send_video<'a>(&'a self, video: Video<'a>) -> SendVideo<'a> { ... }
fn send_video_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, video: Video<'a>) -> SendVideo<'a> { ... }
fn send_video_note<'a>(
        &'a self,
        video_note: VideoNote<'a>
    ) -> SendVideoNote<'a> { ... }
fn send_video_note_in_reply<'a>(
        &'a self,
        video_note: VideoNote<'a>
    ) -> SendVideoNote<'a> { ... }
fn send_voice<'a>(&'a self, voice: Voice<'a>) -> SendVoice<'a> { ... }
fn send_voice_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, voice: Voice<'a>) -> SendVoice<'a> { ... }
fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<'a>(
        &'a self,
        user_id: Id,
        custom_title: &'a str
    ) -> SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle<'a> { ... }
fn set_chat_description<'a>(
        &'a self,
        description: &'a str
    ) -> SetChatDescription<'a> { ... }
fn set_chat_permissions(
        permissions: Permissions
    ) -> SetChatPermissions { ... }
fn set_chat_photo<'a>(&'a self, photo: ChatPhoto<'a>) -> SetChatPhoto<'a> { ... }
fn set_chat_sticker_set<'a>(
        &'a self,
        sticker_set_name: &'a str
    ) -> SetChatStickerSet<'a> { ... }
fn set_chat_title<'a>(&'a self, title: &'a str) -> SetChatTitle<'a> { ... }
fn set_message_game_score(
        message_id: Id,
        user_id: Id,
        score: u32
    ) -> SetMessageGameScore { ... }
fn unban_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> UnbanChatMember { ... }
fn unpin_chat_message(&self) -> UnpinChatMessage { ... } }

Provides methods appliable to all messages.

Provided methods

fn delete_chat_photo(&self) -> DeleteChatPhoto

Deletes the photo of this chat.

fn delete_chat_sticker_set(&self) -> DeleteChatStickerSet

Deletes the sticker set of this chat.

fn delete_message(&self, message_id: Id) -> DeleteMessage

Deletes a message in this chat.

fn delete_this_message(&self) -> DeleteMessage

Deletes the incoming message.

fn edit_message_caption<'a>(
    &'a self,
    message_id: Id,
    caption: impl Into<Text<'a>>
) -> EditMessageCaption<'a>

Updates the caption of a message in this group.

fn edit_message_location(
    message_id: Id,
    location: (f64, f64)
) -> EditMessageLocation

Updates a live location in this group.

fn edit_message_media<'a>(
    &'a self,
    message_id: Id,
    media: impl Into<EditableMedia<'a>>
) -> EditMessageMedia<'a>

Updates the media of a message in this group.

fn edit_message_reply_markup<'a>(
    &'a self,
    message_id: Id,
    reply_markup: Keyboard<'a>
) -> EditMessageReplyMarkup<'a>

Updates the reply markup of a message in this group.

fn edit_message_text<'a>(
    &'a self,
    message_id: Id,
    text: impl Into<Text<'a>>
) -> EditMessageText<'a>

Updates the text of a message in this group.

Exports the invite link of this chat.

fn forward_here<'a>(
    &'a self,
    from_chat_id: impl ImplicitChatId<'a>,
    message_id: Id
) -> ForwardMessage<'a>

Forwards a message to this chat.

fn get_chat(&self) -> GetChat

Gets information about this chat.

fn get_chat_administrators(&self) -> GetChatAdministrators

Gets a list of admins of this chat.

fn get_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> GetChatMember

Gets information about a member of this chat.

fn get_chat_members_count(&self) -> GetChatMembersCount

Gets the number of members in this chat.

fn get_message_game_high_scores(
    message_id: Id,
    user_id: Id
) -> GetMessageGameHighScores

Gets infomation about high scores in a game sent in this chat.

fn kick_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> KickChatMember

Kicks a member of this chat.

fn leave_chat(&self) -> LeaveChat

Leaves this chat.

fn pin_chat_message(&self, message_id: Id) -> PinChatMessage

Pins a message in this chat.

fn promote_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> PromoteChatMember

Promotes a member of this chat.

fn restrict_chat_member(
    user_id: Id,
    permissions: Permissions
) -> RestrictChatMember

Restricts a member of this chat.

fn send_animation<'a>(&'a self, animation: Animation<'a>) -> SendAnimation<'a>

Send an animation to this chat.

fn send_animation_in_reply<'a>(
    &'a self,
    animation: Animation<'a>
) -> SendAnimation<'a>

Sends an animation in reply to this message.

fn send_audio<'a>(&'a self, audio: Audio<'a>) -> SendAudio<'a>

Sends an audio to this chat.

fn send_audio_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, audio: Audio<'a>) -> SendAudio<'a>

Sends an audio in reply to this message.

fn send_chat_action(&self, action: Action) -> SendChatAction

Sends an action to this group.

fn send_contact<'a>(
    &'a self,
    phone_number: &'a str,
    first_name: &'a str
) -> SendContact<'a>

Sends a contact to this group.

fn send_contact_in_reply<'a>(
    &'a self,
    phone_number: &'a str,
    first_name: &'a str
) -> SendContact<'a>

Sends a contact in reply to this message.

fn send_game<'a>(&'a self, game_short_name: &'a str) -> SendGame<'a>

Sends a game to this chat.

fn send_game_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, game_short_name: &'a str) -> SendGame<'a>

Sends a game in reply to this message.

fn send_dice(&self) -> SendDice

Sends a dice to this chat.

fn send_dice_in_reply(&self) -> SendDice

Sends a dice in reply to this message.

fn send_document<'a>(&'a self, document: Document<'a>) -> SendDocument<'a>

Sends a document to this chat.

fn send_document_in_reply<'a>(
    &'a self,
    document: Document<'a>
) -> SendDocument<'a>

Sends a document in reply to this message.

fn send_invoice<'a>(
    &'a self,
    title: &'a str,
    description: &'a str,
    payload: &'a str,
    provider_token: &'a str,
    start_parameter: &'a str,
    currency: &'a str,
    prices: &'a [LabeledPrice<'a>]
) -> SendInvoice<'a>

Sends an invoice to this chat.

fn send_invoice_in_reply<'a>(
    &'a self,
    title: &'a str,
    description: &'a str,
    payload: &'a str,
    provider_token: &'a str,
    start_parameter: &'a str,
    currency: &'a str,
    prices: &'a [LabeledPrice<'a>]
) -> SendInvoice<'a>

Sends an invoice in reply to this message.

fn send_location(&self, location: (f64, f64)) -> SendLocation

Sends a location to this chat.

fn send_location_in_reply(&self, location: (f64, f64)) -> SendLocation

Sends a location in reply to this message.

fn send_media_group<'a>(
    &'a self,
    media: &'a [GroupMedia<'a>]
) -> SendMediaGroup<'a>

Sends an album to this chat.

fn send_media_group_in_reply<'a>(
    &'a self,
    media: &'a [GroupMedia<'a>]
) -> SendMediaGroup<'a>

Sends an album in reply to this message.

fn send_message<'a>(&'a self, text: impl Into<Text<'a>>) -> SendMessage<'a>

Sends a message to this chat.

fn send_message_in_reply<'a>(
    &'a self,
    text: impl Into<Text<'a>>
) -> SendMessage<'a>

Sends a message in reply to this message.

fn send_photo<'a>(&'a self, photo: Photo<'a>) -> SendPhoto<'a>

Sends a photo to this chat.

fn send_photo_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, photo: Photo<'a>) -> SendPhoto<'a>

Sends a photo in reply to this message.

fn send_poll<'a>(&'a self, poll: &'a Any<'a>) -> SendPoll<'a>

Sends a poll to this chat.

fn send_poll_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, poll: &'a Any<'a>) -> SendPoll<'a>

Sends a poll in reply to this message.

fn send_sticker<'a>(&'a self, sticker: Sticker<'a>) -> SendSticker<'a>

Sends a sticker to this chat.

fn send_sticker_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, sticker: Sticker<'a>) -> SendSticker<'a>

Sends a sticker in reply to this message.

fn send_venue<'a>(
    &'a self,
    location: (f64, f64),
    title: &'a str,
    address: &'a str
) -> SendVenue<'a>

Sends a venue to this chat.

fn send_venue_in_reply<'a>(
    &'a self,
    location: (f64, f64),
    title: &'a str,
    address: &'a str
) -> SendVenue<'a>

Sends a venue in reply to this message.

fn send_video<'a>(&'a self, video: Video<'a>) -> SendVideo<'a>

Sends a video to this chat.

fn send_video_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, video: Video<'a>) -> SendVideo<'a>

Sends a video in reply to this message.

fn send_video_note<'a>(&'a self, video_note: VideoNote<'a>) -> SendVideoNote<'a>

Sends a video note to this chat.

fn send_video_note_in_reply<'a>(
    &'a self,
    video_note: VideoNote<'a>
) -> SendVideoNote<'a>

Sends a video note in reply to this message.

fn send_voice<'a>(&'a self, voice: Voice<'a>) -> SendVoice<'a>

Sends a voice to this chat.

fn send_voice_in_reply<'a>(&'a self, voice: Voice<'a>) -> SendVoice<'a>

Sends a voice in reply to this message.

fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<'a>(
    &'a self,
    user_id: Id,
    custom_title: &'a str
) -> SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle<'a>

Sets a custom title for an admin in this chat.

fn set_chat_description<'a>(
    &'a self,
    description: &'a str
) -> SetChatDescription<'a>

Sets a new description of this chat.

fn set_chat_permissions(&self, permissions: Permissions) -> SetChatPermissions

Sets new permissions of this chat.

fn set_chat_photo<'a>(&'a self, photo: ChatPhoto<'a>) -> SetChatPhoto<'a>

Sets a new photo of this chat.

fn set_chat_sticker_set<'a>(
    &'a self,
    sticker_set_name: &'a str
) -> SetChatStickerSet<'a>

Sets a new sticker set of this chat.

fn set_chat_title<'a>(&'a self, title: &'a str) -> SetChatTitle<'a>

Sets a new chat title of this chat.

fn set_message_game_score(
    message_id: Id,
    user_id: Id,
    score: u32
) -> SetMessageGameScore

Sets a new high score for a player who played a game in this chat.

fn unban_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> UnbanChatMember

Unbans a member of this chat.

fn unpin_chat_message(&self) -> UnpinChatMessage

Unpins the pinned message in this chat.

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impl<T: Message> ChatMethods for T[src]

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