tauri 1.2.1

Make tiny, secure apps for all desktop platforms with Tauri
// Copyright 2019-2022 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

use heck::AsShoutySnakeCase;
use heck::AsSnakeCase;
use heck::ToSnakeCase;

use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;

use std::{path::Path, sync::Mutex};

static CHECKED_FEATURES: OnceCell<Mutex<Vec<String>>> = OnceCell::new();

// checks if the given Cargo feature is enabled.
fn has_feature(feature: &str) -> bool {

  // when a feature is enabled, Cargo sets the `CARGO_FEATURE_<name>` env var to 1
  // https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/environment-variables.html#environment-variables-cargo-sets-for-build-scripts
  std::env::var(format!("CARGO_FEATURE_{}", AsShoutySnakeCase(feature)))
    .map(|x| x == "1")

// creates a cfg alias if `has_feature` is true.
// `alias` must be a snake case string.
fn alias(alias: &str, has_feature: bool) {
  if has_feature {
    println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", alias);

fn main() {
  alias("custom_protocol", has_feature("custom-protocol"));
  alias("dev", !has_feature("custom-protocol"));
  alias("updater", has_feature("updater"));

  let target_os = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").unwrap();
  let mobile = target_os == "ios" || target_os == "android";
  alias("desktop", !mobile);
  alias("mobile", mobile);

  let api_all = has_feature("api-all");
  alias("api_all", api_all);



  alias_module("shell", &["execute", "sidecar", "open"], api_all);
  // helper for the command module macro
  let shell_script = has_feature("shell-execute") || has_feature("shell-sidecar");
  alias("shell_script", shell_script);
  alias("shell_scope", has_feature("shell-open-api") || shell_script);

  if !mobile {
      &["open", "save", "message", "ask", "confirm"],

  alias_module("http", &["request"], api_all);

  alias("cli", has_feature("cli"));

  if !mobile {
    alias_module("notification", &[], api_all);
    alias_module("global-shortcut", &[], api_all);
  alias_module("os", &[], api_all);
  alias_module("path", &[], api_all);

  alias_module("protocol", &["asset"], api_all);

  alias_module("process", &["relaunch", "exit"], api_all);

  alias_module("clipboard", &["write-text", "read-text"], api_all);

  alias_module("app", &["show", "hide"], api_all);

  let checked_features_out_path =
  .expect("failed to write checked_features file");

// create aliases for the given module with its apis.
// each api is translated into a feature flag in the format of `<module>-<api>`
// and aliased as `<module_snake_case>_<api_snake_case>`.
// The `<module>-all` feature is also aliased to `<module>_all`.
// If any of the features is enabled, the `<module_snake_case>_any` alias is created.
// Note that both `module` and `apis` strings must be written in kebab case.
fn alias_module(module: &str, apis: &[&str], api_all: bool) {
  let all_feature_name = format!("{}-all", module);
  let all = has_feature(&all_feature_name) || api_all;
  alias(&all_feature_name.to_snake_case(), all);

  let mut any = all;

  for api in apis {
    let has = has_feature(&format!("{}-{}", module, api)) || all;
      &format!("{}_{}", AsSnakeCase(module), AsSnakeCase(api)),
    any = any || has;

  alias(&format!("{}_any", AsSnakeCase(module)), any);