tauri-macros 2.0.0-beta.13

Macros for the tauri crate.
// Copyright 2019-2024 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

//! [![](https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/raw/dev/.github/splash.png)](https://tauri.app)
//! Create macros for `tauri::Context`, invoke handler and commands leveraging the `tauri-codegen` crate.

  html_logo_url = "https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/raw/dev/app-icon.png",
  html_favicon_url = "https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/raw/dev/app-icon.png"

use crate::context::ContextItems;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use syn::parse_macro_input;

mod command;
mod menu;
mod mobile;
mod runtime;

mod context;

/// Mark a function as a command handler. It creates a wrapper function with the necessary glue code.
/// # Stability
/// The output of this macro is managed internally by Tauri,
/// and should not be accessed directly on normal applications.
/// It may have breaking changes in the future.
pub fn command(attributes: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
  command::wrapper(attributes, item)

pub fn mobile_entry_point(attributes: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
  mobile::entry_point(attributes, item)

/// Accepts a list of commands functions. Creates a handler that allows commands to be called from JS with invoke().
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// use tauri_macros::{command, generate_handler};
/// #[command]
/// fn command_one() {
///   println!("command one called");
/// }
/// #[command]
/// fn command_two() {
///   println!("command two called");
/// }
/// fn main() {
///   let _handler = generate_handler![command_one, command_two];
/// }
/// ```
/// # Stability
/// The output of this macro is managed internally by Tauri,
/// and should not be accessed directly on normal applications.
/// It may have breaking changes in the future.
pub fn generate_handler(item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
  parse_macro_input!(item as command::Handler).into()

/// Reads a Tauri config file and generates a `::tauri::Context` based on the content.
/// # Stability
/// The output of this macro is managed internally by Tauri,
/// and should not be accessed directly on normal applications.
/// It may have breaking changes in the future.
pub fn generate_context(items: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
  // this macro is exported from the context module
  let path = parse_macro_input!(items as ContextItems);

/// Adds the default type for the last parameter (assumed to be runtime) for a specific feature.
/// e.g. To default the runtime generic to type `crate::Wry` when the `wry` feature is enabled, the
/// syntax would look like `#[default_runtime(crate::Wry, wry)`. This is **always** set for the last
/// generic, so make sure the last generic is the runtime when using this macro.
pub fn default_runtime(attributes: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
  let attributes = parse_macro_input!(attributes as runtime::Attributes);
  let input = parse_macro_input!(input as runtime::Input);
  runtime::default_runtime(attributes, input).into()

/// Accepts a closure-like syntax to call arbitrary code on a menu item
/// after matching against `kind` and retrieving it from `resources_table` using `rid`.
/// You can optionally pass a 5th parameter to select which item kinds
/// to match against, by providing a `|` separated list of item kinds
/// ```ignore
/// do_menu_item!(resources_table, rid, kind, |i| i.set_text(text), Check | Submenu);
/// ```
/// You could also provide a negated list
/// ```ignore
/// do_menu_item!(resources_table, rid, kind, |i| i.set_text(text), !Check);
/// do_menu_item!(resources_table, rid, kind, |i| i.set_text(text), !Check | !Submenu);
/// ```
/// but you can't have mixed negations and positive kinds.
/// ```ignore
/// do_menu_item!(resources_table, rid, kind, |i| i.set_text(text), !Check | Submeun);
/// ```
/// #### Example
/// ```ignore
///  let rid = 23;
///  let kind = ItemKind::Check;
///  let resources_table = app.resources_table();
///  do_menu_item!(resources_table, rid, kind, |i| i.set_text(text))
/// ```
/// which will expand into:
/// ```ignore
///  let rid = 23;
///  let kind = ItemKind::Check;
///  let resources_table = app.resources_table();
///  match kind {
///  ItemKind::Submenu => {
///    let i = resources_table.get::<Submenu<R>>(rid)?;
///    i.set_text(text)
///  }
///  ItemKind::MenuItem => {
///    let i = resources_table.get::<MenuItem<R>>(rid)?;
///    i.set_text(text)
///  }
///  ItemKind::Predefined => {
///    let i = resources_table.get::<PredefinedMenuItem<R>>(rid)?;
///    i.set_text(text)
///  }
///  ItemKind::Check => {
///    let i = resources_table.get::<CheckMenuItem<R>>(rid)?;
///    i.set_text(text)
///  }
///  ItemKind::Icon => {
///    let i = resources_table.get::<IconMenuItem<R>>(rid)?;
///    i.set_text(text)
///  }
///  _ => unreachable!(),
///  }
/// ```
pub fn do_menu_item(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
  let tokens = parse_macro_input!(input as menu::DoMenuItemInput);