tauri-api 0.7.6

This crate was moved to the `tauri` crate
# Changelog

## [0.7.5]

-   `dirs` crate is unmaintained, now using `dirs-next` instead.
    -   [82cda98]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/commit/82cda98532975c6d4b1c93bf2f326173f39e0964 chore(tauri) `dirs` crate is unmaintained, use `dirst-next` instead ([#1057]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/pull/1057) on 2020-10-17
    -   [72996be]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/commit/72996be1bd3eb878c4cf30bfec79058071c26d7a apply version updates ([#1024]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/pull/1024) on 2020-10-21

## [0.7.4]

-   Bump all deps as noted in #975, #976, #977, #978, and #979.
    -   [06dd75b]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/commit/06dd75b68a15d388808c51ae2bf50554ae761d9d chore: bump all js/rust deps ([#983]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/pull/983) on 2020-08-20

## [0.7.3]

-   Use native dialog on `window.alert` and `window.confirm`.
    Since every communication with the webview is asynchronous, the `window.confirm` returns a Promise resolving to a boolean value.
        - [0245833]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/commit/0245833bb56d5462a4e1249eb1e2f9f5e477592d feat(tauri) make `window.alert` and `window.confirm` available, fix [#848]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/pull/848 ([#854]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/pull/854) on 2020-07-18
        - [dac0ae9]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/commit/dac0ae976ea1b419ed5af078d00106b1476dee04 chore(changes) add tauri-api to JS dialogs changefile on 2020-07-19

## [0.7.2]

-   Fixes Edge blank screen on Windows when running tauri dev (Tauri crashing window due to Edge reloading app because of missing Content-Type header).
    -   Bumped due to a bump in tauri-api.
    -   [fedee83]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/commit/fedee835e36daa4363b91aabd43143e8033c9a5c fix(tauri.js) windows Edge blank screen on tauri dev ([#808]https://www.github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/pull/808) on 2020-07-11

## [0.7.1]

-   Fixes the config reloading when tauri.conf.json changes.

## [0.7.0]

-   The execute_promise and execute_promise_sync helpers now accepts any tauri::Result<T> where T: impl Serialize.
    This means that you do not need to serialize your response manually or deal with String quotes anymore.
    As part of this refactor, the event::emit function also supports impl Serialize instead of String.
-   readDir API refactor. Now returns path, name and children. 

## [0.6.1]

-   Fixes the httpRequest headers usage. It now accepts Strings instead of serde_json::Value.

## [0.6.0]

-   This adds HttpRequestBuilder, described at "alternatives you've considered" section in undefined.
-   Adds a command line interface option to tauri apps, configurable under tauri.conf.json > tauri > cli.
-   Fixes no-server mode not running on another machine due to fs::read_to_string usage instead of the include_str macro.
    Build no longer fails when compiling without environment variables, now the app will show an error.
-   Adds desktop notifications API.