tass 0.2.0

A pager for tabular data
tass-0.2.0 is not a library.

It's like less, but for CSV! It looks like this:


If you already have rust, you can install tass like this:

$ cargo install tass


You can pass a filename, or pipe data to stdin:

$ tass mydata.csv
$ cat mydata.csv | tass
Key Action
Up/j, PageUp Move up one row, page
Down/k,PageDown Move down one row, page
Left/h Move left one column
Right/l Move right one column
Home, End Move to start/end of file
number g Move to line $number
f Move to end and auto-scroll as new rows come in
/, ? Search, reverse-search for string
n, N Jump to next, previous match
q/Esc Quit