Crate taskwait[][src]

This library provides facility to wait on multiple spawned async tasks. It is runtime agnostic.

Adding and waiting on tasks

use taskwait::TaskGroup;
async fn main() {
    let tg = TaskGroup::new();
    for _ in 0..10 {
        let tg_c = tg.clone();
        tokio::spawn(async move{

Note: User must ensure that call to done() made above is made in both success & error code path.

Using add_work

This example uses add_work() which creates a Work object. When it goes out of scope done() is is automatically called.

use taskwait::TaskGroup;
async fn main() {
    let tg = TaskGroup::new();
    for _ in 0..10 {
        let work = tg.add_work(1);
        tokio::spawn(async move{
            let _work = work; // done() will be called when this is dropped

Reusing the taskgroup

The following shows how the same task group can be reused to achieve checkpointing

use taskwait::{TaskGroup, Work};

async fn multiple_tasks(tg: TaskGroup, count: usize) {
    for _ in 0..count {
        let work = tg.add_work(1);
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            let _work = work;
            // .. do something
async fn main() {
    let tg = TaskGroup::new();
    // Spawn 100 tasks 
    tokio::spawn(multiple_tasks(tg.clone(), 100));
    // Let the first 100 complete first.
    // Spawn 2nd batch
    tokio::spawn(multiple_tasks(tg.clone(), 100));
    // Now wait for 2nd batch
    tg.wait().await; // Wait for the next 100



Group of tasks to be waited on.


Future to wait for the counter to become 0 or -ve.


Represents a work or task.