Crate taskcluster[][src]

Taskcluster Client for Rust

For a general guide to using Taskcluster clients, see Calling Taskcluster APIs.

This client is a convenience wrapper around reqwest that provides named functions for each API endpoint and adds functionality such as authentication and retries.



Before calling an API end-point, you’ll need to build a client, using the ClientBuilder type. This allows construction of a client with only the necessary features, following the builder pattern. You must at least supply a root URL to identify the Taskcluster deployment to which the API calls should be directed.

There is a type for each service, e.g., Queue and Auth. Each service type defines functions spepcific to the API endpoints for that service. Each has a new associated function that takes an Into<ClientBuilder>. As a shortcut, you may pass a string to new that will be treated as a root URL.

Here is a simple setup and use of an un-authenticated client:

use taskcluster::Auth;
let auth = Auth::new(root_url)?;
let resp = auth.client("static/taskcluster/root").await?;
assert_eq!(resp, json!({"clientId": "static/taskcluster/root"}));

Here is an example with credentials provided, in this case via the standard environment variables.

use std::env;
use taskcluster::{ClientBuilder, Queue, Credentials};
let creds = Credentials::from_env()?;
let root_url = env::var("TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL").unwrap();
let client = Queue::new(ClientBuilder::new(&root_url).credentials(creds))?;
let res = client.cancelTask("G08bnnBuR6yDhDLJkJ6KiA").await?;
println!("{}", res.get("status").unwrap());

Authorized Scopes

If you wish to perform requests on behalf of a third-party that has smaller set of scopes than you do, you can specify which scopes your request should be allowed to use.

These “authorized scopes” are configured on the client:

use std::env;
use serde_json::json;
use taskcluster::{ClientBuilder, Queue, Credentials};
let creds = Credentials::from_env()?;
let root_url = env::var("TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL").unwrap();
let client = Queue::new(
let res = client.createTask("G08bnnBuR6yDhDLJkJ6KiA", &task).await?;

Calling API Methods

API methods are available as methods on the corresponding client object. They are capitalized in snakeCase (e.g., createTask) to match the Taskcluster documentation.

Each method takes arguments in the following order, where appropriate to the method:

  • Positional arguments (strings interpolated into the URL)
  • Request body (payload)
  • URL query arguments

The payload comes in the form of a serde_json::Value, the contents of which should match the API method’s input schema. URL query arguments are all optional.

For example, the following lists all Auth clients:

use taskcluster::{Auth, ClientBuilder, Credentials};
let auth = Auth::new(ClientBuilder::new(&root_url))?;
let mut continuation_token: Option<String> = None;
let limit = Some("10");

loop {
    let res = auth
        .listClients(None, continuation_token.as_deref(), limit)
    for client in res.get("clients").unwrap().as_array().unwrap() {
        println!("{:?}", client);
    if let Some(v) = res.get("continuationToken") {
        continuation_token = Some(v.as_str().unwrap().to_owned());
    } else {

Error Handling

All 5xx (server error) responses are automatically retried. All 4xx (client error) responses are converted to Result::Err. All other responses are treated as successful responses. Note that this includes 3xx (redirection) responses; the client does not automatically follow such redirects.

Client methods return anyhow::Error, but this can be downcast to a reqwest::Error if needed. As a shortcut for the common case of getting the HTTP status code for an error, use err_status_code. The reqwest::StatusCode type that this returns is re-exported from this crate.

Low-Level Access

Instead of using service-specific types, it is possible to call API methods directly by path, using the Client type:

use std::env;
use taskcluster::{ClientBuilder, Credentials};
let creds = Credentials::from_env()?;
let root_url = env::var("TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL").unwrap();
let client = ClientBuilder::new(&root_url).credentials(creds).build()?;
let resp = client.request("POST", "api/queue/v1/task/G08bnnBuR6yDhDLJkJ6KiA/cancel", None, None).await?;

Generating URLs

To generate a unsigned URL for an API method, use <method>_url:

use taskcluster::{Auth, ClientBuilder};
let root_url = env::var("TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL").unwrap();
let auth = Auth::new(ClientBuilder::new(&root_url))?;
let url = auth.listClients_url(Some("static/"), None, None)?;
assert_eq!(url, "".to_owned());

Generating Temporary Credentials

The create_named_temp_creds method creates temporary credentials:

use std::env;
use std::time::Duration;
use taskcluster::Credentials;
let creds = Credentials::from_env()?;
let temp_creds = creds.create_named_temp_creds(
    vec!["scope1", "scope2"])?;
assert_eq!(temp_creds.client_id, "new-client-id");

There is also a create_temp_creds method which creates unamed temporary credentials, but its use is not recommended.

Generating Timestamps

Taskcluster APIs expects ISO 8601 timestamps, of the sort generated by the JS Date.toJSON method. The chrono crate supports generating compatible timestamps if included with the serde feature. This crate re-exports chrono with that feature enabled. To duplicate the functionality of the fromNow function from other Taskcluster client libraries, use something like this:

use taskcluster::chrono::{DateTime, Utc, Duration};
use serde_json::json;

let expires = Utc::now() + Duration::days(2);
let json = json!({ "expires": expires });

Generating SlugIDs

Use the slugid crate to create slugIds (such as for a taskId).


pub use chrono;



Auth Service


Client is the entry point into all the functionality in this package. It contains authentication credentials, and a service endpoint, which are required for all HTTP operations.


ClientBuilder implements the builder pattern for building a Client, allowing optional configuration of features such as authorized scopes and retry.


Credentials represents the set of credentials required to access protected Taskcluster HTTP APIs.


GitHub Service


Hooks Service


Index Service


Notification Service


Object Service


Purge Cache Service


Queue Service


Configuration for a client’s automatic retrying


Secrets Service


An HTTP status code (status-code in RFC 7230 et al.).


Worker Manager Service



If this error was due to a reqwest error created from an HTTP response, return the status code from that response. If the error is not a reqwest::Error, or was not caused by an HTTP response, returns None.