task-mon 0.2.0

CLI to execute commands and log results to healthchecks.io
#[macro_use] extern crate clap;

#[cfg(test)] extern crate parameterized_test;

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use clap::{Arg, App, AppSettings};
use subprocess::{Exec, Redirection, ExitStatus, CaptureData, PopenConfig};
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use ureq::{Agent, AgentBuilder, Error, Response};

static MAX_BYTES_TO_POST: usize = 10000; // not 10KB, https://healthchecks.io/docs/attaching_logs/
static MAX_STRING_TO_LOG: usize = 1000;

/// Truncates a string for display
fn truncate_str(s: String, max_len: usize) -> String {
    if s.len() > max_len {
        format!("{}...", s.chars().take(max_len-3).collect::<String>())
    } else { s }

/// Executes a subprocess, distilling all situations (failures, etc.) to a string of output and an
/// exit code. This is obviously lossy, but is sufficient for our purposes. Setting verbose=true
/// will log lost details to stderr.
fn execute(command: &[impl AsRef<OsStr>], capture_output: bool, verbose: bool) -> (String, u8, Duration) {
    let command = Exec::cmd(&command[0]).args(&command[1..])
    if verbose { eprintln!("About to run: {:?}", command); }

    let start = Instant::now();
    // TODO consider discarding stdout instead of capturing it if !capture_output;
    // subprocess::Communicator::limit_size() can avoid unbounded memory allocation
    let capture = command.capture();
    let elapsed = start.elapsed();

    if verbose {
        match &capture {
            Ok(cap) =>
                eprintln!("stdout+stderr:[{}] exit:{:?} runtime:{:?}",
                          truncate_str(cap.stdout_str(), MAX_STRING_TO_LOG),
            Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed! {:?} runtime:{:?}", e, elapsed),

    let capture = match capture {
        Ok(cap) => cap,
        Err(e) => CaptureData {
            stdout: format!("{}: Command failed: {}", crate_name!(), e).bytes().collect(),
            stderr: Vec::new(),
            exit_status: ExitStatus::Undetermined,
    assert!(capture.stderr.is_empty(), "No data should have been written to stderr");

    let code = match capture.exit_status {
        ExitStatus::Exited(code) => u8::try_from(code).unwrap_or(127),
        ExitStatus::Signaled(signal) => signal + 128,
        _ => 127,
    (if capture_output { capture.stdout_str() } else { String::new() }, code, elapsed)

/// Constructs a User Agent string for requests to Healthchecks
fn make_user_agent(custom: Option<&str>) -> String {
    let base = match hostname::get().ok() {
        Some(host) => format!("{} - {}", crate_name!(), host.to_string_lossy()),
        None => crate_name!().to_string(),

    match custom {
        Some(agent) => format!("{} ({})", agent, base),
        None => base,

/// Pings the Healthchecks server to notify that the task denoted by the UUID is starting
fn notify_start(agent: &Agent, verbose: bool, base_url: &str, uuid: &str) -> Result<Response, Error> {
    let req = agent.get(&format!("{}/{}/start", base_url, uuid));
    if verbose { eprintln!("Sending request: {:?}", req); }

/// Pings the Healthchecks server to notify that the task denoted by the UUID is done.
/// If code is non-zero, the task will be considered failed.
fn notify_complete(agent: &Agent, verbose: bool, base_url: &str, uuid: &str, code: u8, output: &str) -> Result<Response, Error> {
    let req = agent.post(&format!("{}/{}/{}", base_url, uuid, code));
    if verbose { eprintln!("Sending request: {:?}", req); }
    if output.is_empty() {
    } else {

struct AppState<'a> {
    uuid: &'a str,
    time: bool,
    tail: bool,
    capture_output: bool,
    detailed: bool,
    env: bool,
    verbose: bool,
    base_url: std::borrow::Cow<'a, str>,
    command: Vec<&'a str>,

fn run(state: AppState, agent: Agent) -> Result<Response, Error> {
    if state.time {
        if let Err(e) = notify_start(&agent, state.verbose, &state.base_url, state.uuid) {
            eprintln!("Failed to send start request: {:?}", e);
    let (mut output, code, elapsed) = execute(&state.command, state.capture_output, state.verbose);

    if state.detailed {
        // We could properly escape command, e.g. with https://crates.io/crates/shell-quote
        output = format!("$ {} 2>&1\n{}\n\nExit Code: {}\nDuration: {:?}",
                         state.command.join(" "), output, code, elapsed);
        if state.env {
            let env_str = PopenConfig::current_env().iter()
                .map(|(k, v)| format!("{}={}", k.to_string_lossy(), v.to_string_lossy()))
            output = format!("{}\n{}", env_str, output);

    // If we have too much output safely convert the last 10k bytes into UTF-8
    let output =
        if state.tail && output.len() > MAX_BYTES_TO_POST {
            String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.as_bytes()[output.len() - MAX_BYTES_TO_POST..])
        } else { std::borrow::Cow::Owned(output) };

    // Trim replacement chars added by from_utf8_lossy since they are multi-byte and can actually
    // increase the length of the string.
    notify_complete(&agent, state.verbose, &state.base_url, state.uuid, code, output.trim_start_matches(|c| c=='�'))

fn main() {
    let matches = App::new(crate_name!())
        .setting(AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp)  // https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/issues/1264
            .help("Healthchecks.io UUID to ping")
            .help("Ping when the program starts as well as completes"))
            .help("POST the first 10k bytes instead of the last"))
            .conflicts_with_all(&["detailed", "env"])
            .help("Don't POST any output from the command"))
            .help("Include execution details in the information POST-ed (by default just sends stdout/err)"))
            .help("Also POSTs the process environment; requires --detailed"))
            .help("Write debugging details to stderr"))
            .help("Customize the user-agent string sent to the Healthchecks.io server"))
            .help("Base URL of the Healthchecks.io server to ping"))
            .help("The command to run"))

    let state = AppState {
        uuid: matches.value_of("uuid").expect("Required"),
        time: matches.is_present("time"),
        tail: !matches.is_present("head"),
        capture_output: !matches.is_present("ping_only"),
        detailed: matches.is_present("detailed"),
        env: matches.is_present("env"),
        verbose: matches.is_present("verbose"),
        base_url: std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(matches.value_of("base_url").expect("Has default")),
        command: matches.values_of("command").expect("Required").collect(),

    // TODO support retries
    // TODO could potentially shrink the binary size further by manually constructing requests with
    // https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/net/struct.TcpStream.html and https://docs.rs/native-tls/
    let agent = AgentBuilder::new()
        .timeout(Duration::from_secs(10)) // https://healthchecks.io/docs/reliability_tips/

    run(state, agent).expect("Failed to reach Healthchecks.io");

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    // NOTE: Mockito's state sometimes leaks across tests, so each test should use a separate
    // fake UUID to avoid flaky matches. See https://github.com/lipanski/mockito/issues/111

    parameterized_test::create!{ truncate, (orig, expected), {
        assert_eq!(truncate_str(orig.into(), 10), expected); }
    truncate! {
        short:  ("short", "short"),
        barely: ("barely fit", "barely fit"),
        long:   ("much too long", "much to..."),

    fn agent() {
        // This is mostly a change-detector, but it's helpful to validate the expected format
        match hostname::get().ok() {
            Some(host) => {
                           format!("{} - {}", crate_name!(), host.to_string_lossy()));
                           format!("foo ({} - {})", crate_name!(), host.to_string_lossy()));
            None => {
                assert_eq!(make_user_agent(None), crate_name!());
                assert_eq!(make_user_agent(Some("foo")), format!("foo ({})", crate_name!()));

    fn start() {
        let m = mockito::mock("GET", "/start/start").with_status(200).create();
        let response = notify_start(&Agent::new(), false, &mockito::server_url(), "start");

    fn ping() {
        let suc_m = mockito::mock("POST", "/ping/0").match_body("foo bar").with_status(200).create();
        let fail_m = mockito::mock("POST", "/ping/10").match_body("bar baz").with_status(200).create();
        let suc_response = notify_complete(&Agent::new(), false, &mockito::server_url(), "ping",0, "foo bar");
        let fail_response = notify_complete(&Agent::new(), false, &mockito::server_url(), "ping",10, "bar baz");

    mod integ {
        use super::*;

        fn state<'a>(uuid: &'a str, command: Vec<&'a str>) -> AppState<'a> {
            AppState {
                time: false,
                tail: true,
                capture_output: true,
                detailed: false,
                env: false,
                verbose: false,
                base_url: std::borrow::Cow::Owned(mockito::server_url()),

        fn success() {
            let m = mockito::mock("POST", "/success/0").match_body("hello\n").with_status(200).create();

            let s = state("success", vec!("echo", "hello"));
            let res = run(s, Agent::new());

        fn fail() {
            let m = mockito::mock("POST", "/fail/5")

            let s = state("fail", vec!("bash", "-c", "echo failed >&2; exit 5"));

            let res = run(s, Agent::new());

        fn unreachable() {
            // Unused, but necessary to isolate separate tests, per lipanski/mockito#111
            let m = mockito::mock("GET", "/").with_status(500).create();

            let s = state("unreachable", vec!("true"));

            run(s, Agent::new()).expect_err("Should fail.");

        fn timed() {
            let start_m = mockito::mock("GET", "/timed/start").with_status(200).create();
            let done_m = mockito::mock("POST", "/timed/0")

            let mut s = state("timed", vec!("echo", "hello"));
            s.time = true;

            let res = run(s, Agent::new());

        fn long_output() {
            use mockito::Matcher;
            let part = "🇺🇸⚾ ";
            let msg = part.repeat(1000);
            assert!(msg.len() > MAX_BYTES_TO_POST);

            let m = mockito::mock("POST", "/long_output/0")
                .match_header("content-length", "9998")
                    Matcher::Regex(format!("^ {}", part)),
                    Matcher::Regex(format!("{}\n$", part))

            let s = state("long_output", vec!("echo", &msg));

            let res = run(s, Agent::new());

        fn quiet() {
            let m = mockito::mock("POST", "/quiet/0")

            let mut s = state("quiet", vec!("echo", "quiet!"));
            s.capture_output = false;

            let res = run(s, Agent::new());

        #[test] fn detailed() {
            let m = mockito::mock("POST", "/detailed/0")
                    "^\\$ echo hello 2>&1\nhello\n\n\nExit Code: 0\nDuration: .*$".to_string()))

            let mut s = state("detailed", vec!("echo", "hello"));
            s.detailed = true;

            let res = run(s, Agent::new());