task-local-extensions 0.1.3

Task-local container for arbitrary data.
// clippy bug wrongly flags the task_local macro as being bad.
// a fix is already merged but hasn't made it upstream yet

use crate::Extensions;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::future::Future;

tokio::task_local! {
    static EXTENSIONS: RefCell<Extensions>;

/// Sets a task local to `Extensions` before `fut` is run,
/// and fetches the contents of the task local Extensions after completion
/// and returns it.
pub async fn with_extensions<T>(
    extensions: Extensions,
    fut: impl Future<Output = T>,
) -> (Extensions, T) {
        .scope(RefCell::new(extensions), async move {
            let response = fut.await;
            let mut extensions = Extensions::new();

            EXTENSIONS.with(|ext| std::mem::swap(&mut *ext.borrow_mut(), &mut extensions));

            (extensions, response)

/// Retrieve any item from task-local storage.
pub async fn get_local_item<T: Send + Sync + Clone + 'static>() -> Option<T> {
        .try_with(|e| e.borrow().get::<T>().cloned())

/// Set an item in task-local storage.
pub async fn set_local_item<T: Send + Sync + 'static>(item: T) {
        .try_with(|e| e.borrow_mut().insert(item))
        .expect("Failed to set local item.");