tari_crypto 0.0.9

Tari Cryptography library

Tari Crypto

This crate is part of the Tari Cryptocurrency project.

Major features of this library include:

  • Pedersen commitments
  • Schnorr Signatures
  • Generic Public and Secret Keys
  • Musig!

The tari_crypto crate makes heavy use of the excellent Dalek libraries. The default implementation for Tari ECC is the Ristretto255 curve.

Compiling to WebAssembly

To build the WebAssembly module, the wasm feature must be enabled:

$ wasm-pack build . -- --features "wasm"

To generate a module for use in node.js, use this command:

$ wasm-pack build --target nodejs -d tari_js . -- --features "wasm"

Example (Node.js)

const keys = KeyRing.new();

// Create new keypair
console.log(`${keys.len()} keys in ring`); // 2
console.log("kA = ", keys.private_key("Alice"));
console.log("PB = ", keys.public_key("Bob"));


To run the benchmarks:

$ cargo bench

The benchmarks use Criterion and will produce nice graphs (if you have gnuplot installed)

To run the benchmarks with SIMD instructions:

$ cargo bench --features "avx2"